Can constipation be overcome by eating triphala?

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Can constipation be overcome by eating triphala?

  Admin      29 Jun 2023

Can constipation be overcome by eating triphala?

Constipation can be effectively overcome by incorporating triphala into your diet. Triphala is a powerful herbal remedy derived from three fruits: Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. Triphala works wonders in relieving constipation due to its remarkable properties that promote bowel regularity and improve overall gut health.

To use triphala for constipation relief, you can either consume it as a powder or take it in tablet form. When it comes to consuming Triphala in powder form, Dabur Triphala churna can be a great option. Mixing half a teaspoon of triphala churna with warm water before bedtime is an effective way to harness its benefits overnight.

However, alongside integrating triphala into your routine for combating constipation successfully, maintaining good hydration levels is crucial. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day aids proper digestion and ensures optimal effectiveness of triphala's natural laxative properties.

While incorporating triphala churna into your diet undoubtedly offers relief from occasional bouts of constipation for most individuals without side effects; if you have chronic or severe cases of constipation or are on medication for other conditions, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable before initiating any new remedy or treatment.