Can I do a quick exercise to reduce low back pain?

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Can I do a quick exercise to reduce low back pain?

  Admin      11 Sep 2023

Can I do a quick exercise to reduce low back pain?

Yes, there are several quick exercises you can do to help reduce low back pain. These exercises focus on strengthening the muscles that support your spine and improving flexibility in your lower back. Here's a creative and concise routine you can try:

Cat-Camel Stretch: Start by getting on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under hips. Slowly arch your back up towards the ceiling like a cat, then drop it down towards the floor like a camel. Repeat this motion for 10-15 repetitions, focusing on smooth and controlled movement.

Knee-to-Chest Stretch: Lie flat on your back with both legs extended. Bring one knee towards your chest while keeping the other leg straight against the floor. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, feeling a gentle stretch in your lower back and buttocks area. Switch legs and repeat.

Pelvic Tilt: Lie flat on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground hip-width apart. Gently flatten your lower back against the floor by engaging abdominal muscles without holding breath or lifting buttocks off the ground; imagine pushing belly button into spine slightly - hold for 5 seconds before releasing slowly.

This exercise helps stretch tight muscles in the lower back, relieving tension and reducing pain. However, keep in mind that everyone's condition is unique, so it's crucial to consult an expert before attempting any new exercise routine. Don’t overdo anything, if feeling any pain or discomfort, stop what you are doling, give yourself sometime to recover before starting again.

In addition to exercises, if you are looking for some external remedy to get rid of pain, you should surely give a try to CBD infused Cannaease Muscle & Joint Pain Oil. Made with Vijaya Leaf Extract and Hemp Seed Oil, Cannaease Muscle & Joint Pian Oil, reduces pain, swelling as well as lubricates joints. To know more about CBD products efficacy in relieving pain, book a consultation with a good ayurvedic doctor.
Remember, exercising alone may not completely resolve chronic or severe low back pain; addressing underlying causes like posture correction, strengthening core muscles, weight management, and avoiding activities that aggravate symptoms are also essential components of long-term pain relief.