Do home remedies help in hair growth?

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Do home remedies help in hair growth?

  Admin      20 Sep 2023

Do home remedies help in hair growth?

Yes, home remedies can indeed help in promoting hair growth. While it's important to note that every individual's hair growth rate is genetically determined and influenced by various factors such as age, health, and lifestyle choices, certain natural remedies have shown promising results in stimulating hair growth.

Scalp Massages: Regularly massaging your scalp with essential oils like coconut, brahmi or bhrigjaraj oil stimulates blood circulation, which delivers nutrients to the hair roots and promotes growth. Rather applying these oils individually, you could use Hemp Seed Oil For Hair Care by Happie Hemp. Infused with the goodness of hemp seed oil along with many other hair nourishing herbs, this non sticky, herbal oil promotes better hair growth, nourishes scalp and prevents hair fall.

Balanced Diet & Hydration: Remember that maintaining proper nutrition is crucial for healthy-looking locks! Consume foods rich in vitamins A, C, D, E; minerals like zinc and iron; omega-3 fatty acids; along with drinking plenty of water daily to keep your body hydrated.

Onion Juice: Applying onion juice on the scalp has shown promising results due to its high sulphur content, which helps improve blood circulation and boost collagen production - vital for hair growth.

Aloe Vera Gel: The enzymes present in aloe vera gel help remove dead skin cells from the scalp, unclog follicles, soothe irritated skin, and promote healthier hair growth.

Green Tea Rinse: Brewed green tea contains antioxidants that promote healthy hair growth by preventing damage caused by free radicals. After shampooing your hair, rinse it with cooled green tea for added benefits.

Fenugreek Seeds: Soaking fenugreek seeds overnight then grinding them into a paste creates a powerful remedy rich in proteins and nicotinic acid – known to stimulate thicker strands of hair when applied regularly as a mask on the scalp.

While these home remedies offer potential benefits for stimulating hair growth naturally over time when used consistently alongside proper care practices such as regular washing with mild shampoos & conditioners, avoiding excessive heat styling, and minimizing chemical treatments.

For severe hair loss concerns or if you notice sudden changes in your hair growth patterns, it's always advisable to consult a trichologist for a professional evaluation and personalized advice.