Does Medical Hemp relieve irritable bowel IBS?

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Does Medical Hemp relieve irritable bowel IBS?

  Admin      14 Sep 2023

Does Medical Hemp relieve irritable bowel IBS?

Yes, Medical Hemp has shown promising results in relieving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea or constipation.

Studies have indicated that medical hemp has anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce the inflammation associated with IBS. Inflammation in the gut lining leads to increased sensitivity and heightened pain response experienced by individuals with IBS. By reducing this inflammation, medical hemp can potentially alleviate these symptoms.

Hemp has been recognized for its analgesic or pain-relieving properties. This makes it beneficial for individuals experiencing abdominal discomfort caused by intestinal spasms or hypersensitivity often seen in those with IBS.

Fortified with hemp extract along with herbs like licorice, dandelion root, cumin seed, fennel seed, turmeric etc, Gestion Happy Gut is an effective  hemp tincture that supports gastrointestinal health and manages the symptoms of IBS.

Gestion Happy Gut's tincture offers several advantages over other forms of consuming medical hemp for managing IBS symptoms. Firstly, tinctures are easy to administer as they come with a dropper for precise dosing. This allows users to start low and gradually increase their dosage until they find their optimal level.

Additionally, tinctures offer faster absorption compared to oral capsules or edibles since they are taken sublingually (under the tongue). This quick absorption ensures quicker relief from symptoms during flare-ups while allowing users better control over their dosage.

Gestion Happy Gut's Cannabis Leaf Tincture has the potential to aid in managing IBS symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and anxiolytic properties. However, everyone’s experience may differ, so it is essential to consult a certified healthcare professional before incorporating this product into your regimen.