How can we treat frozen shoulder by Ayurveda?

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How can we treat frozen shoulder by Ayurveda?

  Admin      31 Jul 2023

How can we treat frozen shoulder by Ayurveda?

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a common condition characterized by pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint It is a painful condition that limits the range of motion in the shoulder joint. Ayurveda offers holistic approaches to alleviate this condition by addressing the root causes rather than just symptom management. Here are some effective Ayurvedic remedies:

Yoga: Specific yoga asanas like Garudasana, Gomukhasana, and Ardha Matsyendrasana help stretch the muscles surrounding the shoulders gently, improving flexibility and reducing pain over time. Consultation with a qualified yoga instructor will ensure proper technique while performing these asanas.

Herbal remedies: Ayurvedic herbs such as Turmeric, Shallaki, and Guggulu have potent anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce pain and inflammation associated with frozen shoulder. These herbs can be consumed orally or applied topically in the form of oils or poultices for better results.

External Therapies: Local application of medicated oils infused with analgesic herbs such as Dhanwantaram Thailam, Mahanarayana Tailam through gentle massages on the affected area can provide relief from pain and promote healing. These oils are formulated with a blend of medicinal herbs that penetrate deep into the tissues, relieving pain and promoting healing.

Lifestyle Changes: Incorporating stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and adequate sleep can help reduce the severity of symptoms. Lifestyle changes may also include avoiding repetitive movements or positions that aggravate shoulder pain.

Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy offered in Ayurveda clinics under professional supervision. Specific therapies like Abhyanga (massage), Swedana (herbal steam bath), and Basti (medicated enema) can be beneficial for reducing inflammation and improving mobility in the affected area.

It's important to note that frozen shoulder treatment outcomes may vary for each individual based on their unique constitution and severity of frozen shoulder. Consulting an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner who can evaluate your condition holistically will ensure personalized treatment plans and optimal results.