How do I get rid of diabetes?

How do I get rid of diabetes?

  Admin      13 Sep 2023

How do I get rid of diabetes?

Managing diabetes effectively involves a multifaceted approach that encompasses lifestyle modifications, medical interventions, and regular monitoring. While it may not be possible to completely "get rid" of diabetes, individuals can achieve significant control over their condition by following ayurvedic treatment modalities.

When it comes to managing diabetes holistically, adopting a balanced diet is key to managing blood sugar levels effectively. Focus on consuming whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates while limiting processed foods, sugary drinks/snacks, and refined grains.

Engaging in regular exercise has numerous benefits for people with diabetes - it helps lower blood sugar levels naturally by improving insulin sensitivity and promoting weight loss/maintenance.

High stress levels can adversely affect blood sugar control due to hormonal fluctuations; practicing relaxation techniques like meditation/ deep breathing exercises promotes emotional well-being alongside glycemic stability.

In addition to following lifestyle changes and dietary restrictions, you may consider taking ayurvedic supplements like DB 11 which is fortified with many potent herbs like turmeric, methi, karela, gudmar buti etc. Rich in antioxidants, this herbal medicine decreases high blood sugar level sensitivity, promotes a healthy heart and healthy pancreas.

Remember that each individual's journey with diabetes is unique - there is no one-size-fits-all approach. With determination, patience, and consistent effort in implementing lifestyle modifications alongside medical interventions as advised by healthcare professionals; it is possible to achieve optimal blood sugar control leading to improved quality of life despite living with diabetes.