How do I take Ashoka bark for a painful period?

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How do I take Ashoka bark for a painful period?

  Admin      19 Mar 2024

How do I take Ashoka bark for a painful period?

To take Ashoka bark for painful periods, you first need to source high-quality Ashoka bark from a reputable supplier or health food store. Once you have obtained the bark, there are several ways in which you can prepare and consume it to help alleviate period pain.

One method is to make a decoction by boiling one teaspoon of dried Ashoka bark in two cups of water for about 10-15 minutes. Strain the mixture and drink it while it is still warm. You can add honey or lemon juice to improve the taste if desired.

Alternatively, you can grind the Ashoka bark into a fine powder and mix it with warm water or milk before consuming. If every month you deal with poor menstrual health and looking to take Ashoka bark, you can give a try to Ashokarishta syrup. Containing herbs like ashoka, dhataki, musta, haritaki, and amlaki, Dabur Ashokarishta helps alleviate pain and cramps in women and reduce other difficulties during their tough days.

It also helps improve digestive power and reduces loss of appetite. Rich in anti-inflammatory, analgesic, appetising and rejuvenating properties, this syrup can be incorporated into your daily routine may provide relief and support overall menstrual health. It is always best to consult with a qualified practitioner before adding any new herbal remedies to your routine.