How does ashwagandha help anxiety?

How does ashwagandha help anxiety?

  Admin      24 Aug 2023

How does ashwagandha help anxiety?

Ashwagandha, an ancient medicinal herb originating from India, has gained significant popularity for its potential benefits in reducing anxiety. This apoptogenic herb works by modulating the body's stress response system and promoting overall balance.

One of the primary ways ashwagandha helps with anxiety is by regulating cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress, and excessive amounts can lead to chronic anxiety. Ashwagandha inhibits the production of excess cortisol, thereby decreasing feelings of anxiousness and promoting a more relaxed state.

Studies have suggested that ashwagandha possesses antioxidant properties that protect against oxidative damage caused by chronic stress or anxiety disorders. Oxidative damage can impair brain function and contribute to mental health issues; therefore, reducing these effects can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety.

Moreover, ashwagandha may improve sleep quality—an essential factor in managing anxiety—by promoting relaxation and addressing insomnia related to anxious thoughts or restlessness at night.

Ashwagandha extract is available in the form of capsules and powder in the market. If you are looking to obtain ashwagandha extract in its purest form, look no further than Dabur Ashwagandha churna. It is a potent ayurvedic formulation helps improve stamina, energy levels as well as provides relief from weakness and stress. It is recommended to consult a good ayurvedic doctor if planning to incorporate ashwagandha churna in your daily regime to combat stress or anxiety.