How should I maintain acne prone skin?

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How should I maintain acne prone skin?

  Admin      28 Jun 2023

How should I maintain acne prone skin?

Acne-prone skin can be frustrating to deal with, but with the right routine, you can keep it under control. First and foremost, it's important to cleanse your face twice a day using a gentle cleanser that won't strip your skin of its natural oils. If you want to use a chemical free, all-natural face wash that controls sebum production, you can consider Ananta Hemp Face Wash. Infused with neem oil, vitamin E, tea tree oil and hemp seed oil, this face cleaner treats acne, reduces scars, and protects skin from environmental damage.

After cleansing, use an alcohol-free toner to balance the pH level of your skin and remove any residual impurities. Follow up with a lightweight moisturizer or face serum that is non-comedogenic (meaning it won't clog pores) to keep your skin hydrated without exacerbating breakouts. If looking for a non-comedogenic skin serum that is effective in keeping skin glowing, blemish free while diminishing the appearance of aging signs, include Ananta Hemp Face Serum in your beauty regime. This hemp face serum is a one-stop solution for repairing and rejuvenating tired and ageing skin.

In addition to these basic steps, there are other things you can do to maintain clear skin:

- Avoid touching your face throughout the day as this transfers bacteria and oil from your hands onto your face.
- Use non-comedogenic makeup and skincare products.
- Change pillowcases frequently as they collect dirt and oil.
- Keep hair out of your face as hair contains oils which may trigger acne breakouts.
- Limit sun exposure by wearing sunscreen daily - look for formulas labelled "non-comedogenic" or "oil-free".