Immunity Boosting tips

Capt (Dr) Amit Kumar Sharma (Bones & Joint Pains, Slip disc, Sciatica, Cervical Pain, Arthritis, Lifestyle disorders-Obesity, Heart Blockages, High BP, Dyslipidemia, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Gastroentesinal Diseases, Auto Immune Diseases - AVN, Ulcerative Colitis)
07 Jul 2022

Immunity Boosting tips

Whole world after covid has sensed the importance of Ayurveda as a Scientific system of Medicine, which not only cures the diseased but also maintains the health of healthy individuals. There have been several descriptions throughout the Ayurvedic Texts for Immunity development. Still Immunity Boosting should not be considered as a commodity where one can get or improve his immunity overnight merely by consuming any product. For real Immunity one must follow the Sadavrit: Healthy Lifestyle, Diet routine which has been described so elaborately in Ayurveda Classics. Briefly it may include: 1. Ritucharya (Follow diet & lifestyle according to the season) 2. Dincharya: Daily healthy habits in routine 3. Ratricharya: Daily healthy habits which one must in Night 4. Eat Balanced diet 5. Exercise regularly 6. Yoga - Meditation will surely help 7. Panchakarma: Detoxify yourself regularly 8. Achara Rasayana (Behavioural Regimens to be followed) 9. Avoid intoxication: tobacco, alcohol, weed or other 10. Avoid Junk food, Tinned food, too much of non veg diet. If all the above mentioned are practiced regularly then the individual will enjoy a better immunity and a better state of physical, mental, spiritual & social health.