Is amritarishta effective in malaria?

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Is amritarishta effective in malaria?

  Admin      11 Aug 2023

Is amritarishta effective in malaria?

Amritarishta is an Ayurvedic formulation that consists of various herbs and natural ingredients known for their therapeutic properties. It is commonly used to boost immunity and treat a wide range of ailments, including fever, infections, and digestive disorders.

The primary ingredient in Amritarishta is Giloy, is said to exhibit significant antimalarial activity. It has powerful antipyretic qualities that reduce fever effectively during malarial episodes. Furthermore, it exhibits anti-inflammatory properties which may help mitigate symptoms such as joint pain or swelling often experienced during certain types of malaria infections.

Amritarishta helps strengthen the immune system which plays a crucial role in fighting off malarial infections. By improving overall immunity levels, it supports the body's natural defence mechanisms against pathogens.

Fortified with many potent herbs along with dash mool, Dabur Amritarishta Syrup is effective to reduce the symptoms of fever, pain and swelling in an inflammatory response. It helps the body to fight off bacterial as well as viral infections. Dabur Amritarishta syrup can offer beneficial effects in managing certain symptoms associated with malaria due to its composition enriched with potent herbs known for their immunomodulatory, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory properties.

Furthermore, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or an Ayurvedic practitioner before incorporating any herbal remedies into your malaria treatment plan. They will consider your specific health condition and prescribe appropriate dosages based on individual requirements.