Is Chyawanprash good for diabetics?

Is Chyawanprash good for diabetics?

  Admin      09 Jun 2023

Is Chyawanprash good for diabetics?

Chyawanprash is an Ayurvedic herbal jam that has been used for centuries in India as a remedy to promote health and longevity. Chyawanprash can be beneficial for people with diabetes. It contains various herbs like amla, ashwagandha, guduchi and haritaki etc that have immunity boosting properties.

Typically, as sweeteners jaggery an honey is used in chawywanprash. As the glycemic index of jaggery and honey is high, hence it is not recommended for diabetics to consume jaggery daily.

If you are diabetics and looking for a sugar free chyawanprash, you can consider Dabur Ratnaprash sugarfree. Made with moti, kesar, musali and other herbs, Dabur Ratnaprash Sugarfree helps to improve the function of the immune system and prevent diseases. Regular consumption of this product, helps to reduce stress and overcome fatigue.