Is insomnia treated with medical marijuana?

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Is insomnia treated with medical marijuana?

  Admin      08 Sep 2023

Is insomnia treated with medical marijuana?

Insomnia, a common sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, can be treated with various methods. While medical marijuana has gained popularity as an alternative treatment for insomnia, its effectiveness and suitability vary among individuals.

Medical marijuana also known as medical cannabis contains cannabinoids like THC and CBD that interact with the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates sleep-wake cycles. THC is known to have sedative effects, potentially aiding in falling asleep faster. On the other hand, CBD may promote relaxation without causing drowsiness. Anxiety often contributes significantly to insomnia symptoms; therefore, CBD's ability to reduce anxiety levels could indirectly improve sleep quality. Additionally, CBD may help regulate circadian rhythm disturbances commonly associated with insomnia by influencing serotonin receptors in the brain.

Fortified with 100% hemp leaf extract, Vijaya wellness tablet is one of the excellent CBD medicines that is helpful for promoting sound sleep in night. Available in tablet form, this CBD medicine is easy to consume and store. However, consulting with a knowledgeable healthcare professional who specializes in cannabis-based medicine is vital before considering CBD medicine as a treatment strategy.

A qualified healthcare provider will evaluate an individual's specific circumstances such as their overall health condition and any concurrent medications they are taking before determining whether medical marijuana is suitable for them.