Is it good to take Triphala Churna daily once for long duration?

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Is it good to take Triphala Churna daily once for long duration?

  Admin      21 Jun 2023

Is it good to take Triphala Churna daily once for long duration?

Triphala churna is a powder made from the dried fruits of three Ayurvedic herbs: Amla, Baheda, and Haritaki. It is a popular traditional remedy in India for digestive problems and constipation. Triphala means "three fruits" and is considered to be a very potent Ayurvedic formula. Triphala is one of the best Tridoshic Rasayana, which regulates the three doshas in the body, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

There are many benefits of taking Triphala Churna daily for an extended period. It is a very effective herbal remedy for constipation and other digestive disorders. It helps to cleanse the colon and improve digestion. It strengthens the immune system and helps to detoxify the body. It helps manage arthritis and aids in weight loss.

Dabur Triphala churna is one of the most well-known brands of Triphala cuirna, which has been used by Ayurvedic practitioners as a daily detoxifying supplement for millennia. Made with pure and clinically tested natural ingredients, Dabur Triphala Churna is generally safe to take on a daily basis for an extended period. The recommended dosage of Triphala churna is 3-5 grams per day, taken before bedtime with warm water. However, if you are new to taking this supplement, it is best to start with a lower dose and increase gradually over time. If you have any serious digestive issues, pregnant or any other serious ailments, its reccomnded to start any kind of supplement under the guidance of a good ayurvedic doctor.