Is there any Ayurvedic treatment for indigestion?

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Is there any Ayurvedic treatment for indigestion?

  Admin      13 Sep 2023

Is there any Ayurvedic treatment for indigestion?

Yes, Ayurveda offers a variety of effective treatments for indigestion. According to this ancient Indian medical system, indigestion occurs when there is an imbalance in the digestive fire known as Agni. To alleviate indigestion and restore proper digestion, Ayurvedic practitioners focus on rebalancing Agni through natural remedies and lifestyle modifications.

One common Ayurvedic remedy for indigestion involves making dietary adjustments. It suggests consuming easily digestible foods such as cooked vegetables, lentils, rice, and soups while avoiding heavy or fatty meals that can burden the digestive system. Additionally, incorporating spices like ginger, cumin, coriander seeds or fennel into meals can stimulate Agni and aid digestion.

Furthermore, lifestyle adjustments play a crucial role in treating indigestion according to Ayurveda principles. Regular exercise stimulates metabolism while reducing stress levels which can positively impact digestion.

In addition to following a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, to soothe digestive discomfort instantly, herbal formulation like Dabur Avipattikar Churna is recommended in Ayurveda. Composed of triphala, trikatu, vida lavana and other herbs, Avipattikar Churna is an excellent ayurvedic medicine that helps manage problems related to indigestion. The powerful churna stimulates the metabolism and helps pacify excessive acidity in the stomach. Regular consumption of this churna helps manage constipation and relieve gastritis.

It's important to note that while Ayurvedic treatments can be effective in relieving indigestion symptoms, it is always advisable to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance based on one's specific dosha imbalance.