Is there any immediate relief from acidity?

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Is there any immediate relief from acidity?

  Admin      08 Jun 2023

Is there any immediate relief from acidity?

Acidity can be an uncomfortable and painful sensation that occurs when there is excess acid in the stomach, leading to heartburn, bloating, and nausea. Fortunately, there are several quick remedies that can provide immediate relief from acidity.

One of the most effective ways to alleviate acidity is by drinking a glass of cold milk or buttermilk. Milk contains calcium which acts as an antacid and neutralizes the acid in your stomach. Additionally, buttermilk has lactic acid that helps soothe irritation and reduce inflammation in your digestive tract.

Another excellent way to relieve acidity is by chewing on a piece of ginger or sipping ginger tea. Ginger contains compounds like gingerols and shogaols that have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease digestion, relieve nausea and reduce bloating.

Another effective remedy for acidity is by diluting apple cider vinegar with equal parts water and drink before meals.

When it comes to getting relief from acidity quickly and indigestion, Ayurvedic medicines are proven to be very effective. Made with Pippali, Maricha, Swetha Jeeraka, Hingu, Saindhava lavana etc, Spazyme Capsules is a researched herbal formulation that is an effective ayurvedic solution for gastric problems like hyperacidity, constipation, gas, vomiting, epigastric distress etc. It provides quick relief from acidity by neutralizing acid in the stomach, regulates bowel condition. Take 1 or 2 capsules 3 times daily or as directed by an ayurvedic doctor.