Leech Therapy: An Ancient Ayurvedic Treatment That Works!

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Leech Therapy: An Ancient Ayurvedic Treatment That Works!

  Admin      09 Nov 2022

Leech Therapy:  An Ancient Ayurvedic   Treatment That   Works!

Leech therapy is an effective, ancient ayurvedic treatment that has been around for thousands of years, and still remains a practice in some areas. While it was primarily used in ancient times as a remedy for bloodletting, leeches are still used today in cases of inflammation, thrombosis, varicosity and pain.

Leech therapy benefits

Leech therapy is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. The leeches are placed on the body at the site of the ailment and allowed to feast on the blood. This may sound painful, but it is actually a pain-free process because the leeches release an anaesthetic into the bloodstream as they feed.

Leeches help to cleanse the blood. They do this by removing impurities and toxins from the blood. This can be beneficial for people with certain medical conditions, such as liver disease.

Leeches can help to improve circulation. This is because they help to move blood through the body more effectively. This can be helpful for people who have poor circulation or who suffer from conditions like arthritis.

Leeches can help to relieve pain. This is because they release a substance called hirudin, which has pain-relieving properties.

leeches are relatively safe and easy to use. They don’t pose risk of complications and side effects when used properly y trained ayurveda doctor/vaidya.

Leech therapy can also help to speed up the healing process by increasing the flow of blood to the affected area.

How Safe is Leech Therapy?

Leech therapy is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment that is still used in modern day. The leeches are placed on the body and they will suck out the toxins from the blood. This can be a very effective way to detoxify the body and help to improve overall health.

There are some risks associated with leech therapy, but these are typically minor and can be easily managed. The most common side effect is bruising at the site of the leech bite. Other potential risks include infection, allergic reaction, and bleeding. Overall, leech therapy is considered to be a safe and effective treatment option for many different conditions.

What To Expect During a Leech Therapy session?

First the therapist will clean the affected area where the leeches will be applied with soap and water. Then, they will apply a local anaesthetic to numb the area.

Next, the leeches will be applied to the skin in the affected area. You may feel a slight prick when the leeches attach themselves, but the numbing agent should help minimize any discomfort.

Once the leeches are attached, they will begin feeding on your blood. This may cause some bleeding and bruising in the affected area. The leeches will remain attached until they are full, which usually takes about 20-45 minutes.

After the leeches have detached, your Ayurveda doctor/vaidya will clean the area and apply a bandage to help stop any bleeding. They may also recommend icing the area to help reduce swelling and bruising.

Most people report feeling relief from their symptoms after just one treatment. However, depending on your condition, you may need multiple treatments for best results.

From improving circulation to helping with joint pain, it seems like there are a lot of reasons to give this ancient therapy a try. If you're considering leech therapy, be sure to do your research and find a reputable Ayurveda doctor/Vaidya. And if you have any experience with leech therapy yourself, please share your story in the comments below!