Reasons of people not following Ayurveda in Life

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Reasons of people not following Ayurveda in Life

  Admin      08 Mar 2021

Reasons of people not following Ayurveda in Life

Reasons for people not following Ayurveda in Life

Quick-relief- Undoubtedly, allopathic medicines provide really a very quick relief to someone who is suffering from acute or long term health issues. At the same time, we should not forget that providing relief with one symptom or more symptoms can have side effects on others and can sometimes endanger human organs in the worst-case scenario.


Advanced science-We have multi-super speciality hospitals which follow Japanese technologies for treating their patients. Technology has advanced to the limit of its excellence. Science is based on the few major parameters which are tested by labs so it makes us more relying upon such technologically advanced medical equipment

Branding matters more than the quality of results on health-.Branding the word itself is describing everything when we say human of today's time. Everybody in this era has become so conscious about the commercial ads and other platforms which show their excellence in the medical field without proving their genuinity to each individual.


Difficult to make a chronological and systematic habit-Something which we have to make as a habit has to be systematic and should be followed continuously. allopathy provides you medication for a week or a month or a specific time period which do not involve much-changing lifestyle habits but Ayurveda evolves tough process of accepting simple and natural day to day lifestyle

Shortcuts are preferable to ease the normal day to day life- Isn't this true we prefer to have more shortcuts in life in order to attain our goals rather than choosing something which will take more time. Something which you practice for the long-term its result will also impact you for the long-term all you need to do is to follow it strictly.

The mentality of spending a huge lot of money means safety to their health-.Where you have to pay a lot of money you will definitely pay attention to getting cured. Respective of understanding the bad impact of its side effect on your health. People in today's era believe that the more they are spending the more they are safe.


Availability of time-. Sometimes we don't even get much time to understand or evaluate the impact of side effects of allopaths and for understanding the benefits of Ayurveda in the long-term aspect.


More number of allopathic centres make easy reach-now days if, we go out of our houses even in small-town areas or even in village area for resolving any health issues then we will find "n" numbers of allopathic centres which are actually made available open 24/7. It makes a quite easy to reach people in their centres. This is one of the reasons many other people feel easier to reach their centres

Paper and documents proving the parameters on lab tests are more accurate- lab tests are based on a few parameters which are clinically tested reports. For determining any issues yes it could be followed to know the problem but seeking allopath as the only solution for issues related to your health is not a proper solution. You need to be considered responsible when choosing an option for improvising your health issues. Ayurveda is something whose implications for the body has no danger to your health or life.


Undoubtedly, allopathic medicines provide really a very quick relief to someone who is suffering from acute or long term health issues. At the same time, we should not forget that providing relief with one symptom or more symptoms it can have side effects on other and can sometimes endanger human organs in a worst-case scenario.

2. We have multi-super speciality hospitals which follow Japanese technologies for treating their patients. Technology has advanced to the limit of its excellence. Science is based on the few major parameters which are tested by labs so it makes us more reliant upon such technologically advanced medical equipment.

3. Branding the word itself is describing everything when we say human of today's time. Everybody in this era has become so conscious about the commercial ads and other platforms which show their excellence in the medical field without rubbing their genuinity on each individual.

4. Something which we have to make as a habit has to be systematic and should be followed continuously. allopathy provides you medication for a week or a month or a specific time period which do not involve much-changing lifestyle habits but Ayurveda evolves tough process of accepting a simple and natural day to day lifestyle.

5. Isn't this true we prefer to have more shortcuts in life in order to attain our goals rather than choosing something which will take more time. something which you practice for the long-term its result will also impact you for the long-term all you need to do is to follow it strictly.

6. Where you have to pay a lot of money you will definitely pay attention to getting cured. Respective of understanding the bad impact of its side effect on your health. people in today's era believe that the more they are spending the more they are safe.

7. Sometimes we don't even get much time to understand or evaluate the impact of side effects of allopathy and for understanding the benefits of Ayurveda in the long-term aspect.

8. nowadays if we go out of our house even in small-town areas or even in village areas for resolving any health issues then we will find "n" numbers of allopathic centres which are actually made available open 24/7. It makes a quite easy to reach people in their centres. This is one of the reasons many other people feel easier to reach their centres.

10. lab tests are based on a few parameters which are clinically tested reports. For determining any issues yes it could be followed to know the problem but seeking allopathy as the only solution for issues related to your health is not a proper solution. You need to be considered responsible when choosing an option for improvising your health issues. Ayurveda is something whose implications for the body has no danger to your health or life.