Say Goodbye to Premature Ejaculation with Ayurveda

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Say Goodbye to Premature Ejaculation with Ayurveda

  Admin      13 Mar 2023

Say Goodbye to Premature Ejaculation with Ayurveda

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual concern that can affect men of all ages. While there are various factors that could contribute to this issue, Ayurveda offers natural and effective solutions to help you overcome it. In this blog post, we will explore how Ayurveda works and share some helpful tips and techniques to address premature ejaculation so you can enjoy better sexual health and intimacy in your life.

What is Premature Ejaculation?

PE is a very common problem, affecting up to 30% of men. It can be extremely frustrating and embarrassing and can lead to relationship problems. There are many possible causes of PE, including psychological factors such as anxiety or depression. Physical causes can include hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, and nerve damage.

Holistic ways to get rid of premature ejaculation

Following are some proven natural ways to cure premature ejaculation and boost sexual performance:

Dietary and lifestyle modification: If you are looking to improve your sexual performance and last longer in bed, there are a few diets and lifestyle changes you can make according to the principles of Ayurveda. First, it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet that is rich in all the necessary nutrients. This means eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. You should also limit your intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and alcohol.

Regular exercise and yoga: Exercise helps to improve blood circulation and increase stamina. Practicing yoga asanas like Paschimottanasana, Dhanurasa, Matsyanasa, etc helps strengthen the peroneal muscles and thereby, enables you to maintain your erections for a longer period.

Reduce stress: Finally, you should try to reduce stress in your life as much as possible. Stress can contribute to premature ejaculation by causing tension in the body. Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can all help to reduce stress levels. You can consult a good ayurvedic doctor or therapist to know about rejuvenation therapies like Abhayanga, Shirodhara, Vajikaran etc to help boost your sexual power.

Herbal remedies and medicines: Ayurvedic herbs and remedies have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including premature ejaculation. There are a number of different herbs that can be used to treat this condition, and each person may respond differently to each herb. Some of the most commonly used herbs for premature ejaculation include ashwagandha, shatavari, Punarnava, Jaiphal, Jatamansi, Mulethi, vajikarana and many more. These herbs work by helping to balance the hormones in the body, increasing stamina and strength, and improving blood circulation.

Infused with a blend of more than 50 potent herbal ingredients along with hemp leaves extract, Maha Kameshwar Modak is one such effective Ayurvedic medicine that has been used by many Ayurveda doctors to treat premature ejaculation. This ayurvedic formulation increases libido, and strength and can be used for a number of sexual problems.

 The Ayurvedic approach to treating premature ejaculation (PE) is based on the belief that the root cause of the condition is imbalances in the body's energy systems. If you are struggling with premature ejaculation, we recommend giving this ancient practice a try as there are many beneficial aspects associated with it.