What are some basic hair growth tips?

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What are some basic hair growth tips?

  Admin      28 Apr 2023

What are some basic hair growth tips?

There are several basic hair growth tips that you can follow to maintain healthy and luscious locks. Firstly, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for promoting hair growth from the inside out. Incorporating foods rich in biotin, iron, zinc, and vitamin C into your meals can provide essential nutrients to support healthy hair growth.

Secondly, it is essential to keep your scalp clean by regularly washing your hair with a mild shampoo. This helps remove dirt, oil, and product build-up from the scalp, thus promoting healthy hair growth.

Thirdly, regular scalp massages with natural oil can help increase blood flow to the follicles which promotes healthy hair growth. For added nourishment and improved scalp health, you should consider Hemp Seed Oil For Hair Care by Happie Hemp to your daily beauty regime. Made from 100% pure cold-pressed Hemp Seed and other Ayurvedic herbs, Bhringaraj, Amla, Brahmi etc, this hair oil promotes hair growth and reduces hair fall.

Fourthly, avoid using heat-based styling tools such as straighteners or blow dryers too often as they can damage your hair strands' health. Instead of these tools try air-drying your hairs naturally.

Lastly be gentle when brushing or combing through wet hairs because this is when they are most fragile so use wide-toothed combs to minimize breakage while detangling easily. Following these basic tips for proper care routine will help ensure that you have strong and beautiful tresses all year round! If you are at the initial stage of alopecia or hair thinning and looking for holistic treatment for this, you can book an appointment with a good Ayurveda doctor in your city through indianvaidyas.