What are some ways to overcome a weight loss plateau?

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What are some ways to overcome a weight loss plateau?

  Admin      30 Jun 2023

What are some ways to overcome a weight loss plateau?

A weight loss plateau is when you stop losing weight, even though you're still following your diet and exercise plan. It can be frustrating, but there are ways to break through it. Following are some proven strategies that will help you smash through that weight loss plateau and finally achieve the results you've been dreaming of.

Increase the intensity of your workouts. If you've been doing the same workout routine for a while, your body may have adapted to it and stopped seeing results. To challenge your body again, try increasing the intensity of your workouts and add strength training.

Add more protein to your diet. Protein helps you feel fuller longer and can help boost your metabolism. Try adding more lean protein, such as chicken or fish, to your meals or snacks.

Cut back on calories. If you're not seeing results, it may be because you're eating more calories than you think. Track your food intake for a few days to see how many calories you're really consuming, then make adjustments accordingly.

Drink more water. Dehydration can stall weight loss, so make sure you're drinking enough water throughout the day – aim for 8 glasses per day.

In addition to following these tips and a healthy lifestyle, you can also consider taking herbal remedies like Kairali Lipidex capsules to up your weight loss game. Made with 8 effective Ayurvedic herbs like Amrita, Maricha, Trivrit etc, it is a safe and comprehensive solution for weight management which organically improves the digestion process by eliminating toxins from the body. This Ayurvedic slimming capsule helps in curbing excessive hunger pangs and thereby reducing the intake of food in the most natural way. It eliminates excess fat, relieves flabbiness, & tones up abdominal muscles.