What are the effective home remedies to prevent hair loss?

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What are the effective home remedies to prevent hair loss?

  Admin      12 Jun 2023

What are the effective home remedies to prevent hair loss?

Losing hair may be an upsetting and unpleasant experience. Although there are many commercial treatments available, many people look for DIY and natural remedies to prevent decrease hair loss.

One simple and easy remedy is to massage the scalp with essential oils like lavender, rosemary, or peppermint oil. These oils improve blood circulation in the scalp and strengthen hair follicles, reducing hair fall.

Another remedy is using natural ingredients such as onion juice or onion oil on the scalp. Onion extracts contains sulfur which stimulates collagen production and improves hair growth. Infused with onion extracts, amla, bhringaraj oil etc, Old Forest Natural Onion Hair Oil is one of the best products for non-sticky, silky and healthy hair. Rich in antioxidants, this natural Onion Hair Oil is clinically proven, and reverses the effects of premature greying.

Additionally, incorporating protein-rich foods in your diet like eggs, beans, fish and nuts can also help prevent hair loss as they provide necessary nutrients for healthy hair growth.

Avoiding excessive heat styling tools like flat irons or curlers can also benefit in preventing breakage of fragile strands. It's important to maintain good overall health by maintaining stress levels through relaxation techniques such as yoga/meditation practices and regular exercise routines.

If you are dealing with alopecia or any other hair related issue, get in touch with the bets Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum now.