What are the natural way of increasing the sperm count?

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What are the natural way of increasing the sperm count?

  Admin      21 Jul 2023

What are the natural way of increasing the sperm count?

Increasing sperm count naturally involves adopting healthy lifestyle habits, incorporating specific nutrients into your diet, and reducing factors that may negatively impact fertility. Here are some effective measures to boost sperm count:

  1. Healthy lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for optimal sperm production. This includes regular exercise, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, managing stress levels, and getting enough sleep.
  2.  Balanced diet: A nutrient-rich diet can significantly boost sperm count. Include foods like nuts (especially walnuts), seeds (particularly pumpkin and sunflower seeds), fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, mackerel), leafy greens (spinach, kale), fruits (citrus fruits like oranges and grapes), whole grains, lean meats and poultry.
  3. Avoid excessive heat exposure: High temperatures can harm sperm production. Avoid hot tubs, saunas, tight underwear/pants and placing laptops directly on the lap for extended periods.
  4. Regular sexual activity: Frequent ejaculation through sexual intercourse allows the body to produce fresh batches of healthier sperms compared to prolonged periods of abstinence which increases the chances of DNA fragmentation within the existing stored semen samples.

Support Testosterone Production: Adequate testosterone levels contribute to optimal sperm production. In addition to balanced diet and regular physical activity to boost testosterone production, you can consider taking ayurvedic medicines and herbal supplements containing ashwagandha, Musali, Gokshura etc. Fortified with many sexual health boosting herbs, Durance is one such potent ayurvedic formulation that aids in testosterone production and increases sperm count and quality.

Reduce Stress Levels: High-stress levels can disrupt hormone balance and inhibit testosterone production, leading to decreased sperm count. Engage in stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, hobbies or any physical activity you enjoy.

It's worth noting that natural methods may take time before noticeable improvements occur, and results vary from person to person. If fertility concerns persist or become significant, seeking medical advice from an infertility specialist ayurvedic doctor is recommended for further evaluation and guidance.