What foods can help manage a fatty liver?

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What foods can help manage a fatty liver?

  Admin      12 May 2023

What foods can help manage a fatty liver?

A fatty liver is a condition in which fat builds up in the liver cells. Fatty liver can be caused by obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and other conditions. People with fatty liver usually have no symptoms. However, fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis and liver failure.

Your liver is responsible for many important functions in your body, including filtering toxins from your blood and converting nutrients into energy. Because of this, it’s important to eat a healthy diet that supports liver function.

Some of the best foods for a healthy liver include:

-Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. These vegetables contain compounds that help protect the liver from damage.

-Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale. These veggies are packed with nutrients that support liver health.

-Omega-3 fatty acids. Found in fish like salmon and tuna, as well as in nuts and seeds, omega-3 fatty acids help keep the liver functioning properly.

Lean protein like poultry, fish, beans, tofu, lentils etc is necessary for the body to repair and rebuild tissues, including the liver.

Herbs and supplement. There are several Ayurvedic supplements and herbs like turmeric, ginger, amla, kutki, licorice root etc that can be effective in keeping your liver healthy. Made with Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, Triphala churna is effective in the treatment of fatty liver. Regular intake of Triphala churna reduces the toxic load on the liver and boost its function. It promotes healthy digestion and also acts as a colon cleanser.

It's important to note that any supplement should not replace any prescribed medication without first consulting with your doctor or healthcare provider. For an effective, safe and permanent treatment for fatty liver, consult a good ayurvedic doctor in your city.