What is the best Ayurvedic remedy for curing fever, cold, flu?

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What is the best Ayurvedic remedy for curing fever, cold, flu?

  Admin      19 Jun 2023

What is the best Ayurvedic remedy for curing fever, cold, flu?

When it comes to cold and flu season, there is no better ayurvedic remedy than Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras. This powerful concoction has been used for centuries in India to treat a wide variety of respiratory ailments. The ingredients in this natural remedy are known to be very effective in clearing out the congestion and helping the body to heal.

Made with swarna bhasma, abhrak bhasma along with other herbs and minerals, Dabur Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras is a powerful Ayurvedic remedy that has been used for centuries to treat various ailments, including fever, colds, and flu. This natural remedy contains a blend of potent herbs and minerals that work together to boost the body's immune system, reduce inflammation, and fight off infections.

The gold ash present in Dabur Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras helps in boosting the immunity of the body and fighting off infectious agents responsible for causing fevers, colds, and flu. It also improves digestion and enhances metabolism, which can help prevent further illnesses.

Abhrak Bhasma is known for its antipyretic properties that help reduce fever by regulating the body's temperature. This ingredient also works as a rejuvenating agent that nourishes all the tissues within our body.

This Ayurvedic medication can be very effective in providing relief from flu symptoms like high fever, body ache, headache, sore throat, runny nose and congestion. However, it should only be taken under medical supervision after consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor or doctor to avoid any potential side effects or drug interactions.

In conclusion, Dabur Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras can be an excellent choice for the treatment of influenza and cold due to its potent blend of herbal constituents that have been used for centuries in traditional Indian Medicine. Nevertheless, it must always be remembered that every patient's condition should first be assessed before prescribing any medication as part of their treatment plan.