Which herbal medicine is used to treat high bp?

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Which herbal medicine is used to treat high bp?

  Admin      30 Aug 2023

Which herbal medicine is used to treat high bp?

Sarpagandha Ghanvati is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine renowned for its effectiveness in managing hypertension and sleep disorders. This potent herbal formulation consists of two primary ingredients - Sarpagandha and Vijaya (Cannabis sativa).

My personal experience with Sarpagandha Ghanvati for managing hypertension has been quite remarkable. Initially diagnosed with high blood pressure, I was determined to explore natural remedies before relying on conventional medication.

Upon consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner who recommended Sarpagandha Ghanvati by Hampa Wellness, I began taking the prescribed dosage regularly. The effects were noticeable within a few weeks of consistent use. My blood pressure readings gradually decreased and stabilized within the normal range.

One of the striking aspects of Sarpagandha Ghanvati is its ability to calm both the mind and body. This herb contains bioactive compounds that act as central nervous system depressants by inhibiting certain neurotransmitters. As a result, it promotes relaxation and relieves stress - two crucial factors in managing hypertension.

Vijaya extract contains several compounds called cannabinoids that interact with our body's endocannabinoid system. This system plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological functions including blood pressure control.

It's important to note that while Sarpagandha Ghanvati worked wonders for me personally, individual experiences may vary due to differences in physiology and underlying health conditions. Therefore, consulting with a healthcare professional or Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any new medication or supplement is crucial.