Who is the best Ayurvedic doctor for Swarna Prashan in Ghaziabad?

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Who is the best Ayurvedic doctor for Swarna Prashan in Ghaziabad?

  Admin      24 Apr 2023

Who is the best Ayurvedic doctor for Swarna Prashan in Ghaziabad?

The best doctor for Swarna Prashan in Ghaziabad is one who has extensive knowledge and expertise in Ayurveda. It is important to choose a doctor who understands the principles and practices of Ayurveda and can provide personalized treatment based on your individual needs.

Dr. Piyush Juneja is one such practitioner in Ghaziabad who specializes in Swarna Prashan for children. He has over 16 years of experience in treating various health disorders using natural therapies like Ayurvedic medicines, Panchakarma, Yoga and Diet management.

I consulted him for my kid’s Swarna Prashan just a few months back. After taking brief details of my kid and checking her health condition, he recommended her Dabur Swarna Prashana tablets. Unlike other Swarna Prashans, Dabur Swarna Prashana is easy to administer and highly effective. You just need to take one tablet and give it to your kid with honey/ ghee. After receiving Swarna Prashana from Dr. Piyush, I have noticed positive changes in my toddler's development of cognitive and physical skills. She is now more active, happy and healthy. Her focus in studies has also increased. If you live in Ghaziabad or the surrounding area, you should really consider Dr. Piyush Juneja for any other kind of ailments you may be experiencing in addition to Swarna Prashan.