Why use a sulphate-free shampoo?

Why use a sulphate-free shampoo?

  Admin      28 Jun 2023

Why use a sulphate-free shampoo?

Sulphate-free shampoos are becoming increasingly popular among individuals who want to maintain healthy hair without causing damage. Sulphates are harsh detergents commonly found in many commercial shampoos that can strip the hair and scalp of their natural oils, causing dryness, irritation, and even damage. Here are some reasons why using a sulphate-free shampoo might be beneficial for you:

1. Gentle on the scalp: Sulphates are harsh detergents that can strip away natural oils from your scalp, leaving it dry and irritated. Sulphate-free shampoos, on the other hand, contain milder cleaning agents that cleanse your hair without causing any harm.

2. Prevents colour fading: If you dye your hair regularly, then using a sulphate-free shampoo is essential as sulphates can fade the colour of your locks quickly.

3. Reduces frizz and breakage: Regular use of sulphates can make your hair more prone to frizz and breakage because they remove the natural moisture from strands. A sulphate-free shampoo will help retain moisture in your hair and keep it looking healthy.

4. Good for sensitive skin: If you have sensitive skin or allergies, then switching to a sulphate-free shampoo will prevent irritation caused by harsh chemicals present in traditional shampoos.

To change your hair care game, you can use a sulphate-free shampoo like Hampa Hemp Lush Hair shampoo that is gentle on scalp. Free from harsh chemicals and silicones, this herbal shampoo
deeply nourishes hair roots and promotes heathy hair growth.