Health Query

2. What is Rasa? Write its types, Panchabhautic composition and properties in detail. I want Answer Of these question Sir/mam..

12 Doctors Answered

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

In Ayurveda, Rasa refers to "taste," which is one of the fundamental concepts used to assess the qualities of food, herbs, and medications. It plays a critical role in determining how substances will interact with the body's doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), dhatus (tissues), and mala (waste products). According to Ayurveda, taste is not just a sensory experience but also influences digestion, metabolism, and overall health. Types of Rasa: There are six main types of Rasa (tastes) in Ayurveda, each associated with specific effects on the body and mind. Madhura (Sweet): Examples: Sugar, honey, rice, milk Effect on Doshas: Pacifies Vata and Pitta, aggravates Kapha Qualities: Cooling, nourishing, builds tissues, calming Panchbhautik (five-element) composition: Earth (Prithvi) and Water (Jala) Amla (Sour): Examples: Citrus fruits, yogurt, vinegar Effect on Doshas: Pacifies Vata, aggravates Pitta and Kapha Qualities: Stimulating, warming, aids digestion, enhances saliva production Panchbhautik composition: Earth (Prithvi) and Fire (Agni) Lavana (Salty): Examples: Salt, seaweed Effect on Doshas: Pacifies Vata, aggravates Pitta and Kapha Qualities: Moistening, stimulates digestion, can cause water retention if overused Panchbhautik composition: Water (Jala) and Fire (Agni) Katu (Pungent/Spicy): Examples: Ginger, garlic, chilies Effect on Doshas: Pacifies Kapha, aggravates Vata and Pitta Qualities: Drying, stimulating, increases metabolism, cleanses tissues Panchbhautik composition: Fire (Agni) and Air (Vayu) Tikta (Bitter): Examples: Bitter gourd, neem, fenugreek Effect on Doshas: Pacifies Pitta and Kapha, aggravates Vata Qualities: Detoxifying, drying, purifying, reduces excess fat and toxins Panchbhautik composition: Air (Vayu) and Ether (Akasha) Kashaya (Astringent): Examples: Unripe banana, pomegranate skin, turmeric Effect on Doshas: Pacifies Pitta and Kapha, aggravates Vata Qualities: Cooling, drying, reduces inflammation, tightens tissues Panchbhautik composition: Earth (Prithvi) and Air (Vayu) Panchbhautik Composition of Ras

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Dear sir/mam, rasa is a very wide topic in ayurveda and it can't be explained in 100 words here. If you want detailed information, you can definitely try charaka samhita which will answer this question properly.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

A rasa literally means juice,essence or taste,rasa has 6 types 1.Madhura 2.Amla 3.lavana 4.tikta 5.katu and 6.kashaya Rasa panchak is a term which includes five factors of a dravya which are rasa ,guna,veerya,vipaka and prabhava

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Rasa is a taste Nd these depend on doshas like Fire,air ,space,water ,earth Erotic - (Shringara) (2) Comic – (Hasya) (3) Pathetic – (kruna) (4) Furious – (Raudra) (5) Heroic – (Vira) (6) Terrible – (Bhayanaka) (7) Odious – (Bibhatasa) (8) Marvellous – (Adbhuta

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

its vast topic, but anyways rasa is test which is their in all elements present in universe

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

its vast topic, but anyways rasa is test which is their in all elements present in universe

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Rasa word refers for different views in ayurveda like mercury, like aahar rasa, rasa dhatu, taste (shadrasa) I.e. Madhura - prithvi+ jala mahabhuta Amla- prithvi+agni Lavana- jala+agni Katu- agni+ vayu Tikta- vayu+ aakash Kshayam- vayu+ prithvi

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Refer - charak samhita sutra sthana 26

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

As per the ayurveda there have 5 dnyanedriya. toungue is one of them. The matter perceived by the tongue is called rasa. . As long as the Panchamahabhutas are not united with the watery rasa, it is unmanifest. When Panchamahabhuta is combined, it becomes a scholar And Shadras are formed. Shadarasa are 6 types - madhura, amla, katu, tikta, kshay,lavana 1.Madhur Rasa- Pruthvi & Jal 2.Amla Rasa- Pruthvi & tej (Agni) 3.Lavana Rasa- Jal & Agni 4.Katu Rasa- Vayu & Agni 5.Tikta Rasa- Vayu & Akash 6.Kshay Rasa- Vayu & Pruthvi Properties - 1.Madhur Rasa- It helps to increase weight, skin tone, body strength, immunity. it helps to balancing the body 2.Amla Rasa- Energizing the body, Helps for digestion , Vaatshamak. 3.Lavana- Vaatshamak, Opposite properties as compair to other rasa. 4.Katu-Kaphanashak, it increases burning sensation at tongue , stomach. 5.Tikta-It improves brain strength. not everyone love this taste. 6.Kashaya Rasa- It increases skin tone. It diminishes kapha & Pitta.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Rasa is basically the sense which is perceived by tongue(Jihva), Taste is of 6 types i.e. Madhur(sweet), Amla(sour),Lavan(salty), Katu(Pungent),Tikt(bitter),Kashay(Astringent)