Health Query

my mother is 40 years old. she is having freckles on her face.. what should be the possible treatment for this..

47 Doctors Answered

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

It must be due to hormonal changes. Please visit nearest ayurvedic vaidya for proper treatment

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

In Ayurveda, freckles (referred to as Vyanga) are considered a result of imbalances in the Pitta dosha, leading to excess heat and pigmentation on the skin. Ayurvedic treatments aim to pacify Pitta and restore the skin's natural complexion. Here are some Ayurvedic remedies and treatments to manage freckles: 1. Herbal Remedies • Aloe Vera Gel: Applying fresh aloe vera gel on freckles helps lighten them over time. Aloe vera has cooling properties and can soothe Pitta-related skin issues. • Kumkumadi Tailam: This Ayurvedic oil is renowned for its ability to improve complexion and reduce pigmentation, including freckles. You can apply a few drops on your face at night and leave it on. • Sandalwood (Chandan): Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and apply it as a face pack. Sandalwood has cooling properties and helps reduce pigmentation. • Turmeric (Haldi): Mix turmeric powder with milk or honey to create a paste. Apply it on the freckles as turmeric is a natural depigmenting agent and helps in brightening the skin. • Licorice Root (Mulethi): Licorice is known for its skin-brightening properties. Make a paste using licorice powder and rose water, and apply it to the affected areas. • Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia): Manjistha is a blood-purifying herb that helps reduce pigmentation and freckles when consumed internally or applied externally as a paste. 2. Face Packs • Lemon Juice and Honey: Lemon juice acts as a natural bleaching agent. Mix it with honey to create a soothing pack. Apply it gently to lighten freckles. • Cucumber Juice: Apply cucumber juice on the face to soothe and lighten freckles. • Potato Juice: Potato is rich in skin-lightening enzymes. Applying raw potato juice on freckles helps to fade them naturally. • Papaya Pulp: Papaya contains natural enzymes (papain) that help exfoliate and lighten freckles. Apply mashed papaya pulp as a face pack. • Multani Mitti (Fuller’s Earth): A cooling clay, Multani Mitti can help reduce pigmentation and brighten the complexion when mixed with rose water or milk. 3. Dietary Recommendations • Eat cooling foods: Include foods that reduce Pitta, such as cucumber, coconut water, ghee, leafy greens, and sweet fruits like melons and grapes. • Avoid spicy, fermented, and sour foods: These can aggravate Pitta and increase skin issues. • Increase antioxidant-rich foods: Foods like pomegranates, berries, and amla help in fighting pigmentation and promoting healthy skin. • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and maintain skin hydration. • Consume herbal teas: Herbal teas made from fennel, licorice, and coriander seeds can help balance Pitta and improve skin health. 4. Lifestyle Changes • Sun Protection: Freckles can worsen with sun exposure. Use a natural sunscreen like aloe vera gel or sesame oil when going out, and avoid direct exposure to harsh sunlight. • Stress Reduction: Stress increases Pitta dosha, which can worsen freckles. Practice stress-relieving techniques such as meditation, yoga, and pranayama (breathing exercises). • Proper Sleep: Ensure you get enough restful sleep as it helps in skin repair and regeneration. 5. Panchakarma Therapy Ayurvedic detox therapies like Virechana (purgation therapy) can help cleanse the body of excess Pitta and improve skin health. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to determine if Panchakarma is right for you. 6. Topical Treatments • Rose Water Spray: Keep your skin cool and hydrated by spraying rose water throughout the day. • Neem Face Wash: Use a mild herbal face wash containing neem or aloe vera to cleanse the skin without stripping it of moisture. Ayurvedic Do’s and Don’ts for Freckles: • Do’s: o Keep the skin cool and moisturized. o Apply natural sunscreens before sun exposure. o Eat a balanced diet rich in cooling foods. o Practice gentle skincare with Ayurvedic oils and face packs. • Don’ts: o Avoid excessive sun exposure without protection. o Avoid using harsh chemical-based creams that can irritate the skin further. o Reduce consumption of heat-inducing foods and beverages like spicy food, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks. Note – Please take Ayurveda medicines under supervision or guidance of a certified Ayurvedic doctor only

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

some ayurvedic creams like Shatdhaut cream, Kunkumadi oil etc. for faster recovery consult with your near by ayurvedic doctors

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

You can contact on given number for appointment

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

It can be caused by metabolic problems or more sun exposure or other reason. Nothing to worry unless you see any abnormal discoloration or growth. For further information contact doctor

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Apply kumkumadi oil , nalparmadi oil and massage well. U can also take nasya , shiroddhara and lepan, But u have to chake her prakruthi vikruti first thn only select med.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Mix yashtimadhu ,pinch of cinnamon,chandaman,triphala and coconut oil and apply on freckles .gently exfoliate for 5 to 10 mins and leave it for anothr 5 to 6 minutes

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Make giloy powder ,neem leaves powder nd combine them nd add some haldi 10gm to it..daily base make little paste nd apply locally where freckles are .slowly slowly u will see wonders Have blood purifier also of himalaya nd take amyron syp also

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

She should visit nearest available licensed Ayurveda Physician to receive appropriate internal medication or herbs as well as oils or creams to apply on the affected area as per patient's own constitution.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

frekels on face are due to more production of melanin. we also call itas hyperpigmentation of skin which may happen due to imbalance dosha of body specially bhrajak pitta one of type of pitta and vata. this can be treated well with drugs as well as patients lifestyle modificatio also.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

For freckles u have to share all history

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Shatdhaut ghrita local application on face twice daily on clean & dry face . Add Cow ghee in her diet.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Apply kumkumadi tailam twice a day after cleaning the face properly. Apply aloe vera gel and sariva leaves paste for 10 to 15 mins and clear and wash the face with lukewarm water. For internal medication do share more history of your mother and consult constantly

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

use Kumkumadi tel (if she is not having any active acne on her face ).internal Medication - Sarivadyasav 3 spoon Twice a day..Look for any associate health issues and consult Nearby Ayurvedic Doctor.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

If the freckles are itchy and irritating then it needs attention otherwise they aren't an issue. Apply pigmento ointment & take khadirarishtam 20ml +40 ml water twice daily after food

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Used kumkumadi oil for external application, internally used mahamanjisthadi kadha twice a day with warm water. as a face pack used red lentils powder with milk. continue this at least 3 months.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ayurveda gives a best way to treat it. take nutmeg powder mix in milk and apply the paste for 15-20 mins. wash it off and use twachya cream later on . For treating it internally we need to have a thorough history. you can share images with us and we will guide you more

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

this case might require individual consultation with the picture of the spot over the face.....usually the causes might vary from abdominal worms to utricaria / eczema or other skin issues which might be cleared after proper history taking & diagnosis....for which you may call on 9414822823 to book an online appointment .

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

this case might require individual consultation with the picture of the spot over the face.....usually the causes might vary from abdominal worms to utricaria / eczema or other skin issues which might be cleared after proper history taking & diagnosis....for which you may call on 9414822823 to book an online appointment .

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

It requires proper consultation to rule out the root cause , whether its aging or any underlying concern or pitta aggrevation in the body.However to start with she should follow a proper skin care regime ( morning, evening and weekly) using the products ideal for her skin type. For further details you can contact at 7206687292.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Increase freckles is because of increase pit----treatment should be pit shaman and blood purifier.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Use a good spf sun screen cream, apply aloevera gel, coconut virgin oi

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

According to her age, this might be because of hormonal imbalance. Healthy diet and lifestyle. High fibre diet Plenty of fluid Green veggies and fruits Iron, calcium and protein rich food. For local application, Apply aloe vera gel and good moisturizer daily as per her suitability of skin.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Supportive Ayurveda treatment can be taken after observation and details

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Take ..Syrup raktashodhak Apply paste of nutmug with raw milk.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

To remove freckles with lemon juice, squeeze a full lemon and apply its juice for 10 to 15 minutes and wash off with water. Repeat as required.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Have good antioxidant food. Drink 2to 3 L of water in a day. Apply lodhra, aswagandha choorna, and njavara choorna mix with milk /curd/ rosewater over the face as a face mask and dont forget to apply good moisturiser and massage the face well. It should be done for 41days continuously. U can use fresh aloevera gel as moisturizer after removing the yellow stain from it

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Skin and blood purification with brajhak pitta enhancements. Plz contact at WhatsApp for medicine and detail query

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Kindly share more details about your mother problem

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

More history required.. These are called vang ke daag popularly.. Can go easily with ayurvedic treatment.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Go to nearest Ayurveda doctor or contact us.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Vitamin c, omega 3 fatty acids , zinc take them orally Aarogya vardhinivti , Manijthaadhi kwaTh Serum vit.c ,zinc for external applications over face

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

It can be treated through ayurveda. Kindly consult me online

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Contact me my mobile phone number is this 6300496180

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Use coconut oil as a first line treatment then consult a ayurved doctor.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

I know money doesn't matters at all when it comes to a perfect health. Still, for my patients here is an amazing offer to get their personalized consultation at just Rs 200/- only instead of Rs 300/- (regular fees) till 31st December 2020. so, hurry and get your first consultation at a very nominal price and start healing soon.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

please call at 8750737430 for a brief discussion and proper treatment

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

jatyadi tailam for L/A

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Make Raktashaali rice like kheer in milk and make it into potali and apply on wrinkles

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

For treatment go to your near by Ayurveda doctor with patient.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Application of aloevera gel on it.. and blood purifier like Sarivaasava, Manjistha.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Just do oil massage 10-15mint, and with med. With avoid spicy food. Take some fibers diet

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Fresh Aloe vera juice can be applied after proper face cleansing.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Is she have Obesity?