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Share immunity Boosting tips.

70 Doctors Answered

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Follow a Balanced Diet (Aahar) Use immunity boosting herbs Maintain a Consistent Daily Routine (Dinacharya) Engage in Regular Physical Activity Detoxify the Body Regularly Sunlight Exposure and Fresh Air

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Drink Lukewarm water half glass empty stomach daily (avoid excess intake of water in early morning), avoid late night work, do yoga daily , eat healthy in morning followed by less quantity in lunch as compared to breakfast then least at dinner this will ease and perfect your digestion

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

You can contact on given contact number

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

u can ise any ashwagandha or giloy preparation

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

You can consume chyawanprash according to your appetite for whole year. If you are having gut issues or not able to digest chyawanprash then you can consult

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

You can consume chyawanprash according to your appetite for whole year. If you are having gut issues or not able to digest chyawanprash then you can consult

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Rasayan sevan Like go ghrita gudgudi bramhi ashwagandha madhu etc U can also take saraswtharista

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Consume seasonal vegetables, determine your doshas and change your lifestyle accordingly. Do not oppose the weather, cut down on sugar consumption, and any kind of fast food, prefer less spice and oil in food. Wake up early and consume a herbal concoction suggested by a good ayurvedacharya according to your prakriti.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Balance diet with yoga and most importantly your mindset for well being. So you have to work on physical and mental wellness . counseling with expert of lifestyle disorders management and it's prevention

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

1.Take Chyavanprash 10gm (1tsf) in the morning. 2.Yoga once in a day 3.drink herbal tea 4.stay hydrated 5.Eat healthy diet

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Be alwayz Physically ,mentally ,Active... Maintain a Healthy Weight,have exercises in daily bases nd Yoga Avoid Too Much Alcohol nd quit smoking Sleep timely at least with ur age Avoid mobile using too much Eat well full of salads before any meals lunch nd dinner Take lots of seasonal fruits Have home made juices of whatever fruit u want

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Vitamin C in natural chealated form is abundantly available in Indian gooseberry, will be a natural immune booster

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Morning walk if possible, Bhastrika Pranayam, Kapalbhati pranayam early morning, regular intake of your food on time Giloy tulsi swaras for better immunity 30ml 1 to 2 times a day

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Proper Diet Proper sleep Regular exercise These are the best immuno boosters

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Age ?

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

As per your body type you need to include the healthy lifestyle starting from waking up early in the morning, doing yoga/excercise daily, eating easy to digest & nutritious food. Avoid eating junk/packed/refrigerated food. Can take herbs like Mulethi, Giloy, Amla, Ashwagandha, Chyawanprash etc. as per the suitability of your body type.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Eat good food Avoid junk food Do regular exercise and yoga pranayam Eat home made food on time for more tips U can consult

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Add Amla in your diet 2 tbs of Chawanprash daily Pranayam daily for 15 minutes in the morning

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Follow dincharya Follow ritucharya Follow balance diet Shodhana panchkarma once in a year

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Follow dincharya Follow ritucharya Follow balance diet Shodhana panchkarma once in a year

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

As per Ayurveda, Ahaar- Nidra-Brahmacharya are basic entities for better health and wellness which will boost the immunity by balancing the homeostasis. 1)So having proper and timely diet as per season for eg:- Vaat Kar ahaar should be avoided in rainy season . 2) Good sleep is must for immunity which is to be in a habit. 3) Brahmacharya here have broad context not merely maintaining celibacy. To restrict from any possible cause which may bring adverse affect to health. Physical, mental and socially. These may be basic things but irregularities in such things only affects one health. hope a healthy change with this tips! thank you.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Be Physically Active. Regular physical activity helps you feel better, sleep better, and reduce anxiety. Maintain a Healthy Weight. Excess weight can affect how your body functions. Get Enough Sleep. Quit Smoking. Avoid Too Much Alcohol Avoid spicy oily and Junk food. Be happy

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Eat healthy,drink healthy,breath healthy,live Healthy.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Take iron rich food. Consume ashwagandha after consulting Ayurveda physician for proper dosage.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp


Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Consume less category of fast foods & hoteling, bakery foods like bread, toast, buscuits, choclates, drink(alcohol, carbonated drinks). Used green vegetable, dairy products like milk, clarified butter. Do daily morning exercise at least 1 hour. Also used immunity boosting suppliments like chavanprash, kushmand paak, drakshasav, Guduchi, Ashwagandha, Aamla juice etc. used fresh fruits daily in diet for improving immunity.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Doing Pranayam daily is the best option. Taking Milk with Cow ghee once in a day is also a healthy diet. taking turmuric barfi is a tasy healthy recipe

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Whole world after covid has sensed the importance of Ayurveda as a Scientific system of Medicine, which not only cures the diseased but also maintains the health of healthy individuals. There have been several descriptions throughout the Ayurvedic Texts for Immunity development. Still Immunity Boosting should not be considered as a commodity where one can get or improve his immunity overnight merely by consuming any product. For real Immunity one must follow the Sadavrit : Healthy Lifestyle, Diet routine which has been described so elaborately in Ayurveda Classics. Briefly it may include : 1. Ritucharya (Follow diet & lifestyle according to the season) 2. Dincharya : Daily healthy habits in routine 3. Ratricharya : Daily healthy habits which one must practice in Night 4. Eat Balanced diet 5. Exercise regularly 6. Yoga - Meditation will surely help 7. Panchakarma : Detoxify yourself regularly 8. Achara Rasayana (Behavioural Regimens to be followed) 9. Avoid intoxication : tobacco, alcohol, weed or other 10. Avoid Junk food, Tinned food, too much of non-veg diet. If all the above mentioned are practiced regularly then the individual will enjoy a better immunity and a better state of physical, mental, spiritual & social health.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Meals on time with good appitite and a Rasayan medicine according to your nature is best way to increase immunity.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Immunity can be improved by working on one’s digestive fire as when the digestion is good the absorption of food is good which leads to a healthy body by having a good amount of Oja( immunity) Along with that some pranayam, suryanamaskar, better sleep, healthy freshly cooked food,seasonal fruits, ginger, honey, gooseberry, chyawanprash in winters are some recommendations which can be added in day to day life to have a good immunity.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

In ayurveda we can correlate immunity with digestive fire or any on egoid digestive fire has good immunity. To keep that digestive fire optimum one has to eat right according to his body constitution and at right that the food that one eat act as immune booster..

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

we should eat when we have good appetite till keep your self on fasting. good appetite--- good digestion----good evacuation -----good Immunity

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Giloy Tulsi Haldi immunogrit tab

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Hi Healthy diet and lifestyle is the key behind immunity boosting. However apart from healthy diet including green veggies, fruits and protein, you can even add supplements in your regular meal to improve your immunity. Tea: Add Tulsi, elaichi Dal: half a spoon of desi ghee will do wonders Sabzi: use green chilli instead of red one Oil: Say no to refined oil Refined and packaged food are big concern to health. Add up Chawayanprash one spoon daily in your routine Drink plenty of fluid Walk around, meditate.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Follow Ayurved Dinacharya and Swasthya principles

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Go for early morning walk Have 1 spoon of chywanprash with milk Dont sleep in daytime Eat home cooked nutritious meal when appetite is demanding Sleep at 10pm after taking nasya of Anu taila or cow ghee 2 drops in both nostrils

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Giloyghan vati Amrutarishta

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Immunity comes from our own food, we have to consume good food which is in a balanced diet form that is having all the essential nutrients. The food should be easily digestable according to the body types that means deha prakrithi, it should not increase or decrease the tridoshas (vatha, pitha and kapha)

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Add some natural juices to your diet like aloe vera and amla giloy tulsi leaves in morning empty stomach

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Take guduchi swarasa 1 tsf daily Ayush kwatha 2 times daily Chyawanprash 1 tsf daily

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

to boost your immunity take proper healthy diet and take rest properly "Early to sleep & Early to Rise" and you may take some fruits and chayavan prash etc.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Guduchi , ashwagandha are best immunity boosting herbs

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Take Healthy diet Follow of Guideline of ayush Ministry Tab - Gudhuchi ghan vati Avaleha - chavanprash

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

My advice is you can take Aminity plus syp sf Twice and thrice daily

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

1. Ayush kwath - 2 times per day b/f 2. Indukantam kashayam - 4 tsf bd b/f 3. Gilay Ghana vati - 2 tab bd a/f 4. Anu talia - 2 drops Gargling with salt and haldi power Use luke warm water through out the day

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Treatment of Immunity is Tailor made prescription. Every individual needs unique Treatments. contact us to know your Prakrutti and how you can boost up immunity according to your health status.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Use giloy as a tablet or juice, milk with daridra and proper food habits are the best as a immunomodulator.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

take ayuysh qwath or guduchu kwath 2 times sansamani vati 2 tab 2 times

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

fix yours timmings of sleep. eat freshly prepared and seasonal food. do light exercise daily be it only for 10 mins.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

1. Balanced diet (Shadrasatmak Aahar ) Included of Fresh, warm food with spices, Haridra, Jeerak, Dhanyak,Lashuna etc. 2. Chyawanprash which acts as Immunoprotective 3. Golden milk means half tea spoon of turmeric in 200 ml of milk once in a day at bed time . 4. Physical exercises / Yoga /Meditation /Pranayaam

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

I know money doesn't matters at all when it comes to a perfect health. Still, for my patients here is an amazing offer to get their personalized consultation at just Rs 200/- only instead of Rs 300/- (regular fees) till 31st December 2020. so, hurry and get your first consultation at a very nominal price and start healing soon.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

please call at 8750737430 for a brief discussion and proper consultation. It varies from person to person, age to age and season to season according to the condition of body

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Intake of highly nutritious balanced diet, highly intake of vitamin C, include a variety of spices into daily dietary routine. Take 15ml of Amla juice daily. Drink plenty of warm water. Drink decoction made of Tulsi, Dalchini, Kalimirch, Shunthi, Pippali-twice a day, do regular yoga practice.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Follow healthy routine like add all 7 color food, fruits & vegetable in ur diet drink 4 to 5 liter water daily . take regular sleep 6to 8 hrs . Its better to go early to bed & early to rise . 20 minute morning work . drink warm water in morning . Take healthy food at interval of 3to 4 hrs , Don't eat full stomach at a time . Add carbohydrate , protein , fat , vitamins ,mineral in ur diet . Immunity boosting is possible by healthy lifestyle which provide long term immunity. In medicine , Amla churn , Giloy , chyawanprash , aswagandha , tulsi many more medicine are there which can be taken by personal consultation by any Ayurvedic doctor

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Follow healthy routine like add all 7 color food, fruits & vegetable in ur diet drink 4 to 5 liter water daily . take regular sleep 6to 8 hrs . Its better to go early to bed & early to rise . 20 minute morning work . drink warm water in morning . Take healthy food at interval of 3to 4 hrs , Don't eat full stomach at a time . Add carbohydrate , protein , fat , vitamins ,mineral in ur diet . Immunity boosting is possible by healthy lifestyle which provide long term immunity. In medicine , Amla churn , Giloy , chyawanprash , aswagandha , tulsi many more medicine are there which can be taken by personal consultation by any Ayurvedic doctor

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

YOGA and pranayam, healthy food & life style.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

and most importantly Chavanprash 1 tsp morning evening with milk.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

1) All protocols issued by Ministry of Ayush Govt. of India, 2) Ayush kwath preperation, 3) Yogasana with Pranayamana.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Keep the quantity of food equal. Do not fast much. Make Pranayama regular. Be happy

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

1- Take golden milk once a day. 2- Daily Yoga. 3- Early to bed and Early to rise. 4-Have Balanced diet or else can Take multivitamin tab once a day for 1 month.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Life style management by following dincharya, ritucharya.. don't suppress the urge of natural calls i.e vega vidharana.. Daily intake of Chavanprash..or any formulation which contain Amla.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Do daily Yag and Sleep in night up to 10 pm, and rise early in the morning maximum up to 6 am. Eat easy digestive food, no fast food. Drink maximum water and Ayurveda Immunity Kadha ei available in the market or other Immunity Boosters.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Take medicine makarprash with milk . And also take food with ghirt.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

In ayurveda immunity means to take a very good care of your Aahaar(diet),Nidra(sound sleep) and dincharya(daily routine). If you are having a proper diet ,proper 7-8 hours sleep and following a healthy routine you have a good immunity.there are some ayurvedic immuno booster medicines too, must be taken as per your body for that consult the doctor.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

Include ginger jeera garlic in food. Have hot water (ginger or jeera boiled water) . Food intake should be on a regular time and should have proper time in between two meals.

Ketki Parlikar
Skin Diseases (psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema), PCOD, Diabetes
15 yrs exp

watch for your digestive system. when ever you feel hungry eat, don't over eat or eat less. Don't eat when you are not hungry. Always eat food with in 3 hours of cooking. Always eat fresh and organic food, use seasonal vegetables and fruits that too locally grown or grown in your nearby areas. If you want specific things ask an Ayurvedic doctor, he/she will advise according to your body type ,area and season ,