Health Query

What is the solution of acidity in ayurveda?.

77 Doctors Answered

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Majorly, lifestyle and eating habits needs to be changed. If you want quick relief in the span of 3-5 days, email and book online consultation, but for long term only changing your eating habits according to your doshas will help you,

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Hello there, so hyperacidity is definitely due to inappropriate kind of diet and lifestyle. First of all we need to assess if there are any toxins(ama) present in you body, after removing the ama we can give you pitta rechak or shamak medicines according to your prakriti and doshas , and if the condition is chronic it's better to go for panchkarma procedures like basti.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

there are effective solution of acidity in ayurveda we called it amlapitta .....give your proper history....i can give you proper treatment of and offcourse you should prevent more spicy and acidic can consult here

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

1.Shatavari 3gm BD with milk 2.Amalaki 3gm BD with water 3.Sunthi 2gm BD with water 4.Yashtimadhu 3gm BD with milk

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Avoid all hot drinks nd spicy food ,readymade items Have dinner before 7pm daily basis.. Take one Amla daily

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

After details history of the Rogi we will design treatment protocol with lifestyle modification for complete relief and then for preventive and promotive aspects as well.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Take 3 to 5 grams of Amla powder early morning empty stomach

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Take 3 to 5 grams of Amla powder early morning empty stomach

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

it depends on your eating habits, work style, lifestyle. but yes you can get rid of it...

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

it depends on your eating habits, work style, lifestyle. but yes you can get rid of it...

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

plz tell more about your problem the intensity and when discomfort increase...

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

It can be treated and cured with ayurvedic medicines and ayurvedic procedures, but first the patient needs to be examined.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

5 GMs of Amla powder twice daily 1 hour before meals

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Basically ayurvedic concept about acidity is related to pitta dosha disorder and solution to the problem is proper digestion, proper balance diet and following dincharya which is daily routine for healthy living.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

We do have wide range of solutions , simple home remedy is you can chew half a teaspoon of saunf before and after food. For more customised treatment you can book appointment.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Need to trace and cure root cause of the disease. Medicines like kamdudha Vati, praval panchamrit, Bhunimbadi kadha can be taken under the supervision of Ayurveda consultant. Contact to nearby Ayurveda consultant or contact me on 8329896159. Thank you.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

There's a good treatment for acidity in ayurveda. Haritaki & yashti madhu churna is one the best home remedy. Consult for best treatment

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp


Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

in diet avoid spices, coffee,tea, carbonated drinks, bakery foods, hoteling. in medicine - 1.kamdudha tab before meal twice a day 2.laghusutshekhar tab - in between of meal with sugar water. 3.avipattikar churna 1 gm at bed time with warm water.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

first acidity suppressor then enlightens digestive fire followed by good stool output.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

if its too much than need a thorough history. Chewing fennel seeds with mishri after meals is a good option. Eat Pumpkin , Gond katira avoid spicy , hot property food itmes and chillies

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Ayurveda & Panchkarma has many answers to such problems. There are many effective medicines & therapies. But firstly it is recommended to get a proper consultation that will help to diagnose the root cause of this. Panchkarma therapies like virechan, vasti, mud pack, hot & cold therapy are very effective. This can be managed very effectively in ayurveda with few result oriented medicines & therapies. Lifestyle & Diet changes will be must to manage this ailment. For more information you contact us at Dr. Ashish Sharma ---------------------------- The AROGYAM AYURVEDA ---------------------------- ( A healing Touch) Ayurvedic, Kerala Panchkarma & Naturopathy Centre GH-8/69, Ground Floor Sehyog Apartment(Gate no.-3) Near Sayed Nangloi Chowk Paschim Vihar, Delhi 9 AM -7 PM (TUESDAY CLOSED) ????: 9891-70-9891 ??: 011-35714862

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Pittasamak chikitsa and sitopachar, kaphahara chikitsa can be done also.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

It is excessive of Pit releasing from our body. Treatment should be------- Pit shaman------agni vardhan------vatanuloman

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Acidity in ayurveda terms as Amlapitta, if you want to ayurveda treatment we are here #indianvaidyas contect 8209439703

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Have healthy but small frequent meals. Plenty of water Avoid spicy oily food. A lot of ayurvedic medications also helps to combat acidity but that needs detailed individual history. For Appointment contact:9818740872

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Many of them are there if i say...but depending on prakriti of patient we can decide the treatment protocol for that patient

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Avoid spicy,hot and oily food. Eating smaller meals. Treatment according to Dosha pradhan.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Pop some saunf (fennel seeds), tulsi leaves (holy basil), or a spice like clove in your mouth and chew slowly,” “Anything that increases saliva in the mouth can help balance the stomach's acidity,”

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

The ayurveda aspect is based on amlapitta chikitsa as in the case of acidity

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Amla pitta is balanced with heat management in body

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Eat properly. Eat mindfulness, Stop when you feel full, avoid doing any other activities like watching tv, surfing mobile, talking while eating, Avoid spicy, oily and junk food, avoid tea, coffee excessively. Tea is not bad but having it in wrong way cause problems

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Treatment depends on many factor. Any generalized medicine cannot be prescribed without considering those

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Sir, there are number of reasons for acidity we need to know the history before suggesting you medicines. Do connect for more help

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

There is the best treatment for acidity in Ayurveda. by the medicine and as well as by Panchakarma also. you may contact to nearest Ayurveda Doctor or contact us too

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Ayurveda has explained acidity in a wonderful way and has effective medicines tackle acidity. Kindly consult me online.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Avoid spicy food, alcohal,citrus fruite and continue of ayurvedic Management

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

For this iam having many antacid tablets I will suggest you contact me my mobile phone number is 6300496180

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Milk with gulkand are beneficial.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

I know money doesn't matters at all when it comes to a perfect health. Still, for my patients here is an amazing offer to get their personalized consultation at just Rs 200/- only instead of Rs 300/- (regular fees) till 31st December 2020. so, hurry and get your first consultation at a very nominal price and start healing soon.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

please call at 8750737430 for a brief discussion and proper treatment

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Avoid spicy , oily food . take healthy food after digesting previously eaten food . Avoid frequent eating . keep sleep pattern regular . eat raw fruits & vegetable as salad . Kaamdudha ras 125 mg Shankh bhasm250 mg Amalki churna 2 gm Take this mixture 2 times after food 2. Amlpitta mishran 2tsf BD 3. Avipattikar churn 2gm at bed time with water

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Avoid cause of acidity . Tab.chitrakadi vati 2 tab BD

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

take plenty of water, avoid spices,fried food, curd, arhar dal etc.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

A lot is there to offer as Ayurveda is concerned.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Dadimavleh or Kushmandavleh 1 Tea spoon 2 times a day

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

There is best treatment for Acidity in Ayurved. so feel free and contact your nearby Ayurved Doctor.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Change Place, avoid nidana spicy food, pitta aggravating factors, take avipattikar churna BD daily, Kamdudha rasa of Good Pharmacy.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

You can call me..and give proper history then I can tell medicine

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

We can give to patient pitta shamak chikitsha,. Praval pisti Amlapittantak loha Mukta pisthi etc

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Yes Ayurved has full treatment and along with Panchakarma it could be managed fully

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

You can try these as remedy: chew some fennel ( saunf) / coriander seeds (dhania) after food. If still your symptoms persist consult be to one with a vaidya ( Ayurvedic Doctor)

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Avoid drinking lots of water after food, you can have small sips in-between your food.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

There are lots of solutions of acidity in Ayurveda according to various sign and symptoms. But if you are asking in general to avoid acidity then you have to follow some daily routine ( i.e dinacharya) and like having your food in a fixed time. No skipping of meals be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. Have plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid junks like fastfood , soft drinks. Avoid late night sleeping

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Please elaborate your complaints

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

We can do virechan karma after looking at the patient's condition. Else avipattikar churna will be helpful.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Diet but chronic problem so adv for proper ayurveda treatment

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Diet but chronic problem so adv for proper treatment

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Regular food habits which is called as Pathya ..and some seasonal Panchakarma treatments will definitely help you to combact with acidity

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Avipattikar churna 1tsp TDs before meal Kamdudha ras tab 2bd

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Are you doctor or patient? If patient please directly consult a doctor.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

the first step is to find the cause that is causing acidity in ayurveda disease can occur due to diet, lifestyle or external factors a proper examination proper diet and proper medication fit for that patient is advisable.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

There are two type of acidity(amlapitta) So it get cured as per the condition like If you have kshhardharmi amlapitta then you need virechan l(panchkarma) and medication of Kamdudha vati and satavari vati before meal.If you are having vomiting sensation ,burning chest(amladharmi amlapitta) then you need vaman (panchkarma) and medication like laghusutshekhar rasa or sutshekhar rasa or amlapitta mishran of dhoitpapeshwar

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Ayurveda have proper cure for indigestion and acidity. Visit clinic for betterment

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Ask what are the reasons. There are many, like sleeping late night, irregular food timings, industrialised food, etc. depending upon your nature acidity can be treated. as a home remedy you can take a mixture of honey butter and Sita ( miseri)

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp


Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Nidanaparivarjana, healthy diet and good lifestyle.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Take food at proper time and avoid sour and spicy food. Along with u can take yastimadhu ksheerapaka at night time. It is the best medicine for acidity

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Kam dudha ras Tab yasthimadhu Avipattikar churan Laghu sutshekhar ras Syp aciwin sandu pharma

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

yasthimadhu twice a day ... and book a appointment

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Check your lifestyle such as Hunger time and reduce excess Water intake

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

I always start with Detox therapy Panchkarma which brings results in no time.

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

U can take shadanga paaneeya and jeera water as immediate remedy

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

U can take shadanga paaneeya and jeera water as a fast remedy

Mallika Sagar
Gynaecology, lifestyle disorders
1 yrs exp

Avipattikar churan along with shank bhasam 3 gm before meals Sutshekhar Ra's 2 Bd