Subodh Kumar, an Indian Administrative Service officer hailing from the 2010 batch of the Tamil Nadu cadre, has recently been designated as Director within the Ministry of Ayush. Effective immediately upon his assumption of duties, his tenure is slated to last until October 8, or until further instructions are issued, whichever comes first. Presently, Kumar occupies a position of ‘Compulsory wait’ within the Ministry of Food Processing Industries.
The Department of Personnel (DoPT) issued an order on May 3, formalising Subodh Kumar’s appointment to his new role. The directive mandates his prompt release from his ongoing responsibilities at the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, facilitating his seamless transition into the Ministry of Ayush.
Acknowledging the potential for Subodh Kumar to be called upon for election-related obligations, the order outlines a protocol. If he becomes engaged in such duties, particularly due to the announcement of Lok Sabha elections, he is to be relieved from his current post only upon securing clearance from the Election Commission of India, paving the way for his commencement of duties within the Ministry of Ayush.