Dr Nasreen Ahmed
3 years experience overall
New Delhi , DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
386 doctors available in Delhi
3 years experience overall
New Delhi , DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
15 years experience overall
Neuro Muscular & Joint pain, Liver & Gastro, Skin & hair, Diabetes & it’s complications, Male & Female, Infertility, Cardiovascular Disease
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
30 years experience overall
Skin, Sexual wellness and Life style problems
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
20 years experience overall
Kidney related diseases, Diabetes, Cardiac, Skin, Arthritis, Digestive and Gastro Problems, Sexual Disorders and Diseases, Pediatric, Gynae and Fertility, Cancer, Neuro, Hormonal Imbalances, Endocrine Disorders, Paralysis, Auto Immune Disorder, PCOD and U
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S., P.G.D.E.M.S. )
15 years experience overall
Ayurveda, Panchkarma & Naturopathy
West Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
20 years experience overall
Obesity Diabetes Thyroid
Delhi cantt , DELHI
400 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD Kayahikitsa )
10 years experience overall
Skin problem, joint problem and infertlity
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
15 years experience overall
Nutrition,life style diseases,digestive disorders
400 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Gynae and joints disorder, pain managemnet, life style disorders
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
20 years experience overall
Chronic Diseases, Pain Management, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Arthritis, PCOD/S, Renal, Abdominal, Respiratory problems etc.
Delhi , DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS, MD, PhD )
7 years experience overall
Neurological Disorders, Infertility, Metabolic Disorders
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
4 years experience overall
Panchkarma, Parasurgical, Diet and Nutrition
Delhi, DELHI
400 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Panchkarna, Kidney and Stomach disorders
Delhi, DELHI
10 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
800 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
Joint pain,skin allergies,sexual disorders
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
15 years experience overall
Musculoskeletal, Skincare
New Delhi , DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
4 years experience overall
Joints disorders, git , metabolic disorders
New Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
28 years experience overall
Joint disease ,gynae, nutrition
Delhi, DELHI
150 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
0 years experience overall
Kayachikitsa Panchkarma Shalya Tantra
Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
Joints Pain, Obesity, Gynecological problems
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS, MBA (Health))
10 years experience overall
Specialised in Ayurvedic Nutrition, skin health and hair problems
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD kayachikitsa)
9 years experience overall
Medicine, Diabetes, Arthritis
Delhi , 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
11 years experience overall
Joints pain, digestive problems, psychatric problems
South delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
0 years experience overall
Mystiq Living
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years years experience overall
Gynecological disorders, Panchkarma, Shalya karma, Marma Chikitsa
Delhi , DELHI
150 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S,CRAV,GMP certificate from PLIM,GOI)
30 years experience overall
Anahvah srotas aur Rasayan and Vajikaran
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
22 years experience overall
Diabetes, Obesity and Sexual disorders
New Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
13 years experience overall
marma chikitsa, anorectal diseases, musculoskeletal pains
Delhi, DELHI
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(mD Ayurveda, CRAV Gynae)
8 years experience overall
gynaecological discorders, infertility, panchakarma, antinatal and postnatal care
South West Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S., C.K.S.V., DNHE)
3 years years experience overall
Pain management, Ayurvedic Surgeon, Marma Chikitsa, Cupping and Hijama Therapy
Delhi , DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Newdelhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S. , M.D.)
2 years experience overall
Endocrinology, lifestyle disorders, infertility
New delhi, DELHI
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS, MD(Ayu))
3 years experience overall
Panchkarma specialist, Marma chikitsa, Ayurvedic medicine
Delhi, 5403
500 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
new delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS, MD Scholar)
3 years experience overall
Hair, Skin, Psychiatric illness, Joint disorder, Gastric Problem
delhi, 5412
499 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Skin& Hair, Gastric problem, Arthritis, Psychiatric illness
delhi, 5412
499 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi ncr, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
11 years experience overall
kriya Sharir
Delhi, DELHI
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Arthritis Management, Gastrointestinal disorders, Migraine, Skin disorders, Sinusitis, Male infertility/ Erectile dysfunction
New Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Newdelhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
South West Delhi-Dwaraka, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD Kayachikitsa )
years experience overall
Musculoskeletal disorders, lifestyle and Skin disorders
Delhi , 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
12 years experience overall
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
4 years experience overall
DELHI, 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
32 years experience overall
new delhi, DELHI
250 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Pain Management, Acidity and Gas Management, Asthma Management
New Delhi, DELHI
250 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Indigestion, skin disorders, joint pain
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
15 years experience overall
Kidney stone, leucorrhea,liver disease etc
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
4 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
Udar Rog(acidity, constipation,IBS ), Anorectal (pilles, Acne, skin rogfissure and fistulla)
Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
gynaecology and hormonal disorder
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS(Pune),Clinical Ayurveda Specialist(California))
15 years experience overall
Naadi pariksha,Panchkarma,Marma Practitioner
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
New delhi, MUMBAI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
299 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD )
20 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic
14 years experience overall
Gynae, infertility, other diseases
400 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
8 years experience overall
Panchkarma,pain management, stress disorders
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(Ayurvedacharya )
35 years experience overall
Control sugar level, Daibaties & body pain
Delhi , 5412
100 Consultation fee at clinic
(Bams )
3 years experience overall
Pcod , fibroid, IBS, Lifestyle DIsorder, Obesity
delhi, DELHI
800 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Skin and Women's Health
delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD Ayurveda )
16 years experience overall
IBS, Migraine, CKD
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
south delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
New delhi, MUMBAI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Derma, rheumatology, diabetes
Delhi, 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S )
11 years experience overall
Dermatology, Neurology,
250 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Kshar sutra, agnikarm, raktmokshan
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Lifestyle disorder management, counselling, consultation
200 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Chronic illnesses
Delhi, DELHI
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
New delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
25 years experience overall
Traditional knowledge
Delhi, DELHI
250 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Lifestyle managment, weight loss, counseling
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
6 years experience overall
Medicine, Lifestyle disorders, Gut health
New Delhi, 5412
700 Consultation fee at clinic
8 years experience overall
Gynaecological promblems
New delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Digestion, pain
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
Joints Pain, Obesity, Gynecological problems
Delhi, 5412
400 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
Sexual,ksharsutra surgery,Skin,entric-gastric
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi , 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD (Ayu), BAMS, DNYS)
7 years experience overall
An eminent Ayurvedic doctor
Delhi, DELHI
399 Consultation fee at clinic
4 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
400 Consultation fee at clinic
12 years experience overall
Joint pain , D.M,
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
delhi, MUMBAI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Ayurvedic physician & Gyane, Accupressure, Ayurvedic Nutritionist
Delhi 40, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
6 years experience overall
Panchkrama ,life style ,joint pain , infertility
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Writing prescriptions, parasurgical procedures and medical content writing
Delhi, DELHI
0 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
delhi, 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
28 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic
12 years experience overall
Joints Pain, Obesity, Gynecological problems
Delhi , 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD(Kaya chikitsa))
3 years experience overall
Diabetes ,Skin,Digestive Disorders
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Panchkarma,sharasutra, general gynaecological problems
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi ,
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Weight loss covid thyroid
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
12 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
New Delhi , 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Kshara sutra, joint pain , diabetes
Delhi, DELHI
250 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
New delhi, MUMBAI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Gastric, male infertility, Arthritis
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
delhi, MUMBAI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
General physician
New delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Sexologist, pain, psychotic
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Ksharsutra ,panchkarma, kayachikitsa,strirog
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
20 years experience overall
Gen. Physician
Delhi, 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
(b.A.M.S , MD)
5 years experience overall
Male Infertility, Orthopaedic
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Delhi , DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
0 years experience overall
Arthritis, skin diseases, anorectal diseases
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Agni karma Panchkarma Marma Therapy
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Kshar sutra leech agnikarma
New delhi, DELHI
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
New delhi, MUMBAI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
New delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Gastro, Derma, Leech therapy
delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
16 years experience overall
piles, skin, joint pains
new delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Kayachiktsa, mansika Rog, Shalya
New Delhi, 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Dermatology, Gynaecology, Lifestyle disorders
Newdelhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Ayurvedic Doctor
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
delhi, 5412
350 Consultation fee at clinic
9 years experience overall
Medicine, Skin
Delhi, DELHI
250 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Arthritis Management, Gastrointestinal disorders, Migraine, Skin disorders, Sinusitis, Male infertility/ Erectile dysfunction
Delhi , 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
(Bams )
3 years experience overall
Ortho, gynae, infective
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS, MD Panchakrma)
4 years experience overall
Joint disorders, Autoimmune disorders, Neurological disorders, Skin and Gastrointestinal disorders, Hypertension and Diabetes, Thyroid disorders
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Gyaec, Metabolic Disorder, Paediatric Diseases
New Delhi , 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
18 years experience overall
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(Bams )
11 years experience overall
Panchkarma, weight management, pcod, skin and hair treatments
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S(Ayurvedacharya, Pranacharya))
17 years experience overall
Typhoid, Immune, Skin & hair disorders, Anorectal Disorders.
Chirag Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(MS(shalya tabtra))
3 years experience overall
Shalya tantra
Delhi, 5412
350 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi cantt, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
20 years experience overall
I am Dr Munesh Sharma. prop.AROGYANIDHI Ayurvedic clinic. I am pure Ayurveda treatment for All skin diseases, hormonal problems in females & stress Management through Ayurvedic medications,yoga & Meditation.
West Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
25 years experience overall
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Arthritis Management, Gastrointestinal disorders, Migraine, Skin disorders, Sinusitis, Male infertility/ Erectile dysfunction
Delhi, 5412
400 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Arthritis Management, Gastrointestinal disorders, Migraine, Skin disorders, Sinusitis, Male infertility/ Erectile dysfunction
New Delhi , 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Udar Rog(acidity, constipation,IBS ), Anorectal (pilles, Acne, skin rogfissure and fistulla)
Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
11 years experience overall
Dermatology, Cosmetology, Tricology
delhi, DELHI
400 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Gyaec, Metabolic Disorder, Paediatric Diseases
Delhi, 5412
400 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Skin , chronic diseases
Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS, M.Sc.(yog and meditation)., DNYS ,DNHE )
3 years experience overall
Piles ,pcod ,hairfall
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
0 years experience overall
Panchkarma, Jalauka avacharan, Agni karma
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
28 years experience overall
Sexual , Renal and arthritis
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
12 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
(Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery)
6 years experience overall
Medicine , Panchkarma, diet and lifestyle
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS MD(AM) MSc ( Bio tech) DNHE)
6 years experience overall
Infertility pcod gynaecological issues
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Panchkarma infertility
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS ,M.D(ayu))
8 years experience overall
Panchakarma, yoga, nadipariksa
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S., N.D.D.Y )
19 years experience overall
Vaat Rog, skin and hair
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S , P.G.D.P.K.)
10 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S.,D.Pharma,D.N.Y.S. )
2 years experience overall
General Physician
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
7 years experience overall
Panchakarma, Musculoskeletal, Neurological
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Mental health
Delhi, DELHI
600 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
Arthritis Management, Gastrointestinal disorders, Migraine, Skin disorders, Sinusitis, Male infertility/ Erectile dysfunction
New Delhi, 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi , 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
6 years experience overall
Joints Pain, Obesity, Gynecological problems
Delhi, 5412
400 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Pain, gynae, arthritis
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
25 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
New Delhi, 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
All joint pain , daibeties, hypertension, kidney stone and all chronic disease
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD (Ay) )
8 years experience overall
Metabolic disorders, Bone and joint, Cancer
Delhi, DELHI
250 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Gynaecologist and cosmetologist
New delhi , DELHI
400 Consultation fee at clinic
9 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
25 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
DELHI, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi , 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(b.a.m.s, pGCPK)
1 years experience overall
Panchakarma treatments, pulse diagnosis, Prakriti assessment, yoga
delhi/noida, 5403
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
working as an ayurveda practitioner specifically dealing with Gynaecological disorders , pain management and lifestyle disorders.
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi ,
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3yrs years experience overall
Pain management , Gastro disorders, Psychological Disorders,
New Delhi, DELHI
350 Consultation fee at clinic
12 years experience overall
Male/Female sex related problem, Joints Pain, Infertility
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(B. A. M. S. D YOGA)
25 years experience overall
Skin (psoriasis Eczema Leucoderma) Uder rog, joint pain
Delhi, DELHI
150 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
Sexual Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Other Disease
New Delhi , DELHI
150 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Arthritis Management, Gastrointestinal disorders, Migraine, Skin disorders, Sinusitis, Male infertility/ Erectile dysfunction
Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
400 Consultation fee at clinic
25 years experience overall
joint pain,fever,cold
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi , 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
13 years experience overall
Kasharsutra panchkarma
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
treating patients through marma
East Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Udar Rog(acidity, constipation,IBS ), Anorectal (pilles, Acne, skin rogfissure and fistulla)
New Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi , 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Pain management, skin disorder, pcod
New Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
(Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery(BAMS))
1 years experience overall
New Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Hari Nagar , New Delhi , 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Diagnose, treatment, medicin
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
7 years experience overall
Neurology, psychosomatic, neuro-muscular
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi , 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
12 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
21 years experience overall
cancer,autoimmune disorders, metabolic disorders
New Delhi, DELHI
1000 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
new delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD (Ayurveda))
34 years experience overall
Panch-karma, Ano-rectal, Vital diseases
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
(Ph.D. Naturopathy, Ayurvedic DIPLOMA)
10 years experience overall
Arthritis, Diabetic and Heart
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
0 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
6 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
12 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
New Delhi, 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD (Ayu))
6 years experience overall
Skin, Ortho, Gynae
New Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
8 years experience overall
Arthritis Management, Gastrointestinal disorders, Migraine, Skin disorders, Sinusitis, Male infertility/ Erectile dysfunction
Delhi, 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
15 years experience overall
Joints Pain, Obesity, Gynecological problems
delhi, 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
New delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
25 years experience overall
100 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
400 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
lifestyle, diet , yoga and Ayurvedic nutrition
South Delhi, DELHI
350 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Obesity nd urinary problems
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Pulse diagnosis
Delhi, DELHI
0 Consultation fee at clinic
10 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney diseases, Cosmetology and trichology
Delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
6 years experience overall
Male/Female sex related problem, Joints Pain, Infertility
New Delhi, 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Male/Female sex related problem, Joints Pain, Infertility
Delhi, 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
new Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
9 years experience overall
Gyaec, Metabolic Disorder, Paediatric Diseases
Delhi, 5412
800 Consultation fee at clinic
6 years experience overall
Udar Rog(acidity, constipation,IBS ), Anorectal (pilles, Acne, skin rogfissure and fistulla)
Delhi, 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
20 years experience overall
General physician
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
25 years experience overall
Gastro, Cardio, Skin .
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Skin, Arthritis, sex
New Delhi , 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS, MD (Ayu.) Pharmaceutical sciences)
4 Years years experience overall
Dermatology and Hair Loss, Gastrointestinal Health, and Diabetes Management
New Delhi, NEW DELHI
150 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
gynaecology, gastric problem, insomnia,
new delhi, DELHI
150 Consultation fee at clinic
6 years experience overall
Joints Pain, Obesity, Gynecological problems
Delhi , 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi , 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(BAMS, MD(Ay))
30 years experience overall
Kayachikitsa & Panchakarma
South Delhi, DELHI
1000 Consultation fee at clinic
12 years experience overall
Gyaec, Metabolic Disorder, Paediatric Diseases
New Delhi , 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
20 years experience overall
Leucoderma, Sciatica, Cancer
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
15 years experience overall
Ayurvedic doctor
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Arthritis Management, Gastrointestinal disorders, Migraine, Skin disorders, Sinusitis, Male infertility/ Erectile dysfunction
Delhi, 5412
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(Band )
8 years experience overall
Diabetes, thyroid, skin disease
New delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
5 years experience overall
Gynaecology, orthopaedic, lifestyle disorders
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
7 years experience overall
Skin problems , digestive disorders ,joint problem
Delhi, DELHI
100 Consultation fee at clinic
15 years experience overall
Life Style Disorders
New Delhi / Fazilka, PUNJAB
1 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
North East delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
9 years experience overall
General physician/ Retina expert/
Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
19 years experience overall
Diabetes, Abdominal problems, Medicine
Delhi, DELHI
250 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD (At))
11 years experience overall
Panchkarma and Kshar sutra
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
1 years experience overall
Piles, fistula, fissure, saitica, frozan sholder,psoriasis,obesity fungal infection, vitiligo, gout, cervical spondolytis, migrane, renal stone,hypothyroidism
Delhi, 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
4 years experience overall
Gyaec, Metabolic Disorder, Paediatric Diseases
Delhi NCR, 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
8 years experience overall
Arthritis Management, Gastrointestinal disorders, Migraine, Skin disorders, Sinusitis, Male infertility/ Erectile dysfunction
Delhi , 5412
600 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
35 years experience overall
Dabtee,Pain boddy,
Delhi , 5412
100 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S , MD )
03 years experience overall
Skin disorders , Diabetes, Asthma
300 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
9 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
500 Consultation fee at clinic
( MD Scholar)
4 years experience overall
I am a good ayurvedic physician specialised in panchakarma
delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
9 years experience overall
Skin Care
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi , 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
0 Consultation fee at clinic
18 years experience overall
GynaeObs, Gastroenterology, Dermatology
Delhi, DELHI
600 Consultation fee at clinic
25 years experience overall
Female diseases
Delhi, DELHI
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi ,
0 Consultation fee at clinic
2 years experience overall
Joints Pain, Obesity, Gynecological problems
Delhi , 5412
200 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi ,
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
06 years experience overall
Gynecology, joints problems, gut related problems, lifestyle disorders
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Delhi, DELHI
300 Consultation fee at clinic
4 years experience overall
Weight loss, diabetes, gynaecology
Delhi, DELHI
250 Consultation fee at clinic
(B.A.M.S. )
44 year years experience overall
New Delhi, DELHI
500 Consultation fee at clinic
3 years experience overall
Psoriasis, Kidney Diseases, Cosmetology And Trichology
500 Consultation fee at clinic
(MD )
5 years experience overall
GIT disorders, Respiratory disorders, CKD, male sexual wellness
New delhi, 5412
500 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
New delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
years experience overall
Delhi, 5412
0 Consultation fee at clinic
20 years experience overall
Skin & cosmetics ,PCOD/PCOS, stress management
500 Consultation fee at clinic